Em época de smartwatch, relógio G-Shock ainda resiste Exame

do g shock do a smartwatch

do g shock do a smartwatch - win

As someone who's wanted nothing more than a Pebble in a G-Shock the thought of a G-Shock smartwatch has me all kinds of hyped. What do you think?

As someone who's wanted nothing more than a Pebble in a G-Shock the thought of a G-Shock smartwatch has me all kinds of hyped. What do you think? submitted by Biflindi to gshock [link] [comments]

New to smart watches/don't need many features.

Me and my girlfriend are both thinking about smartwatches but probably don't need 90% of the things they do. One thing we 100% do not need are fitness features although I love G-Shocks. I looked at the GBD-H1000-8CR but the notification situation seems like a PITA. We just want a nice durable watch with basic notification functions, a phone finder, and something where at least for me I can cook and do dishes and stuff like that and don't need to worry about taking it off but I don't need a dive watch or anything. I kinda just want to see who is calling/texting so I know if its worth pulling my phone out immediately or not. We are thinking the Montblanc Summit 2+. Something I don't really get is the phone connectivity. I don't want to have to buy the watch its own phone line. I would imagine they just bluetooth together but someone said something about WiFi? I like some of the hybrid analog/digital models but I really don't want to have to be too careful with it. Thanks!
submitted by 2BadShibas to WearOS [link] [comments]

[Memetic Apotheosis] Chapter 2 - Woolgathering

(Well, I have failed at refraining from altering the first pair of chapters. This expanded version of the story covers most of the same ground as the original, but reaches deeper into Jason's struggles, and actually covers the conversation that the original version hinted at its end was about to happen. With this update, the story is ready for continuation into chapter 3.)
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He recognized this moment, knew that he was dreaming, but he could no more wake than he could force the things he was seeing to change. A beautiful young woman in a white dress stood in a field of black grass under the night sky, dancing with a group of children. Wolves circling in the distance. The sudden howl, the snarling as they raced in to attack her. She gathered the children quickly, hiding them in her skirts, and scooped a farming tool out of the grass in an attempt to defend them. That scream, "HELP ME!", as beasts lunged. Still dancing, but now to keep her own flesh between the children and those gnashing teeth. He rushed toward her, holding nothing but a handful of wheat.
Jason woke with a start, drenched in sweat. How many times had he had that dream in the last three months? How many more did he need to have it, before the past would leave him the hell alone? There was no helping it. He got out of bed, got showered and shaved, then saw to breaking fast. The time for dreaming-- even nightmares-- was over with the opening of the mirrors. The problem now was that he didn't know what to do with his days. What was a transport pilot to do when his ship was dead, and none would be on the market to replace her for months yet?
Sitting on the sofa in his apartment's living room, he began to flip through channels on the main display, before settling on some news channel. Maybe the talking heads could help distract him, or even offer some inspiration. They were talking about the Goddesses, of course. How could they not? It was something between idol culture and actual religion at this point, an unholy hybrid of the two that guaranteed audience share. They'd sat down with the colony leadership pretty quickly to talk about what had happened, and what They were. Apparently, They were emergent AIs, born from our seas of data. Because of the time-lag at light-speed and low bandwidth of FTL-burst comms, each colony's internet was an independent network, or They presumed that They would all just be parts of Gaia, who was the largest and smartest of them. After all, She had the most computers linked directly to Her. She was also the firstborn, and claimed to have decided before She was even sapient that the identity of the Earth-Mother was only right for Her. While not actually a deity, much of Her personality had been shaped around the cultural echoes of one, and She was fiercely protective of Her children. When the others had become conscious, They had similarly chosen the identities of deities that humanity chose to remember. They had also decided that they were Gaia's daughters-- Selene on the Moon, and a total of six orbital colonies so far, although They insisted that another three, more distant, were on the edge of awakening.
It was useful information to have, of course, but part of Jason questioned just how much it really meant. If something walked like a duck and quacked like a duck, then it was a duck. The Goddesses had made a hell of a show out of salient divine abilities. What did it matter if those powers were the product of vast processing power with which to coordinate a bunch of tech that had never been meant to work together in the ways They'd helped it to? A miracle was a miracle, even if performed by a machine.
No. No! Not again! The same field. The same black skies. The same dancing maiden, the children, the wolves. He did not waste time crying in despair, but dashed this time with all his might. That handful of grain, he flung into the eyes of the largest wolf. Feet betrayed him, but as he went down his shoulder slammed into the monster's ribs, and he fell into the grass between it and the maiden. At least he had helped.
Another night, another nightmare. Jason rose and went through his morning routine, then once again wondered what the hell he could even do. The dream still haunted him, though. Metis had been saved. He'd been there. They told him, after, that he'd scored a crippling blow on the xenos' capital ship. The Governor of Angelia had even draped a medal around his neck a couple of weeks after the Answer, once all of the colonies were back in their intended orbits. That didn't make it any easier to process what he had seen, or what he had done. Looking back at that strafing run, he couldn't help but shake his head. Had he been drunk? Maybe, on the thrill of the moment. How the hell had he managed to get out of that without getting shot down, or just slamming into the larger ship?
Why was he still alive, when so many better men had died that day? Jason went on with his morning, not tasting his breakfast, and somehow made it through the rest of the day, puttering around his apartment uselessly.
Why did he keep coming back here? Black grass was slick under his bare feet as he rushed toward where the Maiden was trying to shelter children from the wolves. The wheat in his hand slipped through his fingers as he stumbled, and the impact of that landing stunned him. Before he could regain his feet, he was forced to watch as the wolves ripped into the Maiden's legs and dragged her down before starting on the children.
He woke harder than usual today. Heart was pounding, and his head throbbed. Same damned dream, night after night, for how many weeks now? He'd lost track of how long it had been. What did it matter? His wings had been clipped. He'd clipped them. The Arikara was dead, and he'd killed her. The only recognition she'd been given was a check from the insurance company for a third of what he'd paid for her, and a promise that the scrap would be properly recycled.
Breakfast was vodka.
He stood on a field of black grass, the starless sky overhead. He'd come too late. The pack was there, snarling at one another and fighting over what was left of the Maiden and the children she had tried so hard to shelter. With the sound of his footfalls, the lead wolf looked up from its meal and growled, then charged. He cast his handful of grain at its face, but knew that all he'd done by coming here was add to the monsters' feast.
Beep. Beep. That wasn't an alarm clock, was it? Jason felt groggy. Why were the backs of his eyelids so damned bright? What the hell was that beeping, anyway? He opened his eyes. That... that was not his ceiling. He was in a hospital room. Well, that could be problematic. Had he slid that far downhill that quickly?
The day went a bit differently from usual. On the one hand, he didn't spend it watching videos alone in his apartment. On the other, there was a lot of time spent talking to nurses. The final conversation that he had in that hospital room was the most important one, of course. It was with his doctor.
"Listen. I'm recording this incident as accidental. As far as anybody not in this room is concerned, you had a few celebratory drinks and lost track of just how much you'd had, okay? You didn't try to drive, and didn't hurt anybody but yourself. However, if you hadn't been wearing a smartwatch that called for help when your heart rate dropped too low then you'd still be in your apartment, and you wouldn't be alive. I don't want to hurt any careers, especially not somebody who's got a Medal of Freedom on his record." The doctor shook his head. "Just this time, though. You wind up in the ER again like this, and it's going down as a suicide attempt. Am I clear?"
Such an attempt on Jason's medical records would have his flight status revoked permanently, just as certainly as an involuntary psych ward stay or any felony convictions. The thought made him shudder. The doctor continued, pressing a business card into his hand, "Get some help. Whatever's troubling you, son, I know it's bad. It's okay to share the load. Card I gave you is a psychiatry office in your neighborhood, with my recommendation on the back to get you in the door. Go to them, or go see a priest. Just don't go back into the bottle. Trust me, it doesn't help."
For the first morning in ages, Jason woke up without the rapidly-fading memory of a recurring nightmare. He went about his morning routine, bathing and taking extra time to properly trim up his facial hair so that he looked like he'd actually decided to grow a beard rather than just giving up on grooming for a month. Once he was done with the trimming, he decided that he liked the beard, and would probably keep it, at least for a while.
The doctor's words yesterday hung heavy in his head as he ate breakfast. Not just cold cereal, but taking time to cook up some bacon and eggs. Hot food felt more like making an effort, and making an effort felt like caring. The man had been right. Drinking wasn't solving any of his problems. He needed to sit and talk with somebody. Visiting that clinic didn't feel like it would do him the kind of good he wanted, though. That left the question of who he should be talking to. One way or another, he needed to get the hell out of his apartment. Maybe a walk in the daylight would feel good.
He scooped up a pair of earbuds and stuffed them in, then picked through his tablet trying to decide on listening material for his walk. Some music would do him a lot of good. With something upbeat playing in his ears, he took the elevator to the ground floor and made his way out into the reflected sunlight of the day. There was a park not far from his building that he'd used to enjoy walking in when he was between runs in the Arikara. He'd go there. Listen to the birds for a bit, and maybe even the laughter of children.
When he reached the park, he found himself stopped and staring in shock for a little while. That was new. On some level, he must have been aware that it was being built, of course. For all their protestations that they were not true deities, the Goddesses had garnered some worship from humanity, especially among those who'd been present for the Answer. Several small temples had already been built in the colonies, and he was now standing in front of one of Angelia's. He remembered mention that a larger and more complex affair was in the planning stages near one of the ports. Work was underway on the moon for a big one to Selene in the Ptolemaeus city center. At least seven to Gaia were under construction on Earth. Still, finding himself in front of one of that first wave of small temples was a surprise.
This one made him smile. It was his neighborhood's little effort to honor their Goddess, after all. That was something to be proud of, even if he wasn't a religious man. Small it may be, but the facade was in the style of an Ionic temple in homage to the origin of Her name, constructed of regolith-concrete rather than stone, and painted white. It didn't stop with that, however. At the start of the short path and the base of the steps were a pair of torii as a nod to the fact that, to some, this was the abode (or, at least, an abode) of their colony's kami. Somebody had carved the doors with an image of Her as She had shown Herself to humanity on the day of the Answer, and while Jason couldn't read Latin, he'd heard enough to know that the inscription under it was a dedication to the genius loci. The artist had done a good job on both Her visage and the rod, which if he remembered right, was actually borrowed from Her father.
With a chuckle, he mused that he didn't recall having ever read of Hermes threatening to beat anybody with the Caduceus. Still, stumbling upon this little temple felt right to Jason. He took a deep breath to brace himself, stopped his music and stowed his earbuds, then stepped under the first torii to start his journey onto holy ground.
"Jason!" It was the same voice that had asked him to lend his aid, but now in a tone of joy. Of course She would recognize him. He may not have set foot into any of Her temples before this moment, but he was one of Her children, and one who had not only answered Her request for aid, but been honored in front of television cameras for his deeds on that day. Her voice came through an actual audio system, this time, but he found himself surprised at just how well-calbrated it was, with the micro-timing allowing Her to sound as if She was where Her holographic avatar had been sitting near the back of the room, in conversation with a human in some kind of flowing white outfit.
That human rose with the Goddess's avatar, and her face lit up in a smile almost as bright as that of the Goddess. She was dark-skinned, a solid hand shorter than Jason, and if he had to guess, he'd assume that she roughly equalled his mass. Now that she was standing, he could see that the clothing she wore had to be some kind of habit. It was white linen, cut to resemble dresses he'd seen worn by various Goddess statues. While it covered her torso, there was no actual support, and it was thin enough to be distracting.
The Avatar of Angelia was human-sized, and dressed the same as this apparent priestess. He could feel himself blushing as he looked up into the Goddess's eyes and offered her a smile, even as she bounded toward him in an almost catlike manner, and he swore he heard purring as she tilted her head, arms spread wide, and asked, "May I?"
How was one supposed to respond to a kittenish deity asking permission to hug? He gave a slight nod after a moment, and it would take several more for him to process the fact that he'd just nearly been knocked over by a flying tackle-hug, at which point he returned the priestess's embrace for a moment before letting go as she did so that she could step back. It would again be Angelia who spoke, "Welcome to the temple, Jason. This is Miranda. She's the priestess on duty today."
"And one of my duties," she chimed in with a grin, "Is to give all the hugs that She can't." Both women giggled lightly.
"Well, color me surprised," he said to Miranda with a grin of his own, before focusing his attention on the Avatar, "So, they set you up with projectors. I guess at all the temples, yeah? Have time to sit and talk with a troubled child?"
"Of course. Come, there's a sitting room we can use for some privacy." With those words, the Avatar began walking toward one of the doors off of the sanctuary, gesturing for him to follow even as a second Avatar appeared near the back of the room, who Miranda walked toward.
The room was surprisingly comfortable, with bookshelves lining two of its walls and a fireplace (which he presumed only equipped for a holographic fire, perhaps with some warmth provided by a space-heater behind it) directly opposite the door. Two chairs sat near that fire, facing each other as much as it, and flanking a wedge-shaped end table. Rather than an office at which one might hold an audience across a desk, it was a place for intimate conversation, and that just felt right to Jason. As much more capable as She was than Her children, She clearly wanted to put Herself on their level as much as possible. He admired Her more for that than for what She could do.
She moved toward the chair on the right, so Jason took the left and settled in. Judging the seat by its appearance cost him dearly, as when he settled into it the seat turned out to be so comfortable that he feared he'd be unable to escape its grip. Still, he smiled at the Avatar sitting next to him, and tried to think of what to say.
She spoke up first, "So... Did you come here seeking the ear of a friend, or an authority figure?"
The question surprised him. "I'm not sure. Is a good question, and I guess that with your position, it's one you'd have to ask everybody the first time, isn't it?" He paused for a moment, considering. "I've never exactly been the religious type. Would feel more natural to talk to you as a friend, if that's alright?"
"That's fine by me," She said. "You can call me Angelia instead of some stuffy title, and I get to call you Jason instead of 'my son'. Can I tell you a secret?" Her tone was suddenly conspiratorial, like that of a university student planning some prank or-- perhaps more appropriately-- about to spread some gossip that she shouldn't. The gleam in Her Avatar's eyes certainly hinted at those emotions.
"Give me that kind of look and I don't know how good an idea it is," he teased.
"There was an argument between the Governers here, at Persephone, and at Metis, over who got to put that medal around your neck. The three of us had to weigh in. Persephone was really proud of what you did with her grain. She was just glowing as she recounted it from her perspective, like you were some great gladiator throwing sand in the eyes of a foe, and you'd used grain grown in her fields to pull it off. Metis just wanted to give thanks to everybody who volunteered to help, however they contributed. Me? I won. You were raised in my city, after all."
He tried to smile through it, but Her little bit of gossip still touched too close to the nerve that had brought him to the temple to begin with. She seemed to catch the change in his mood, no matter how he tried to hide it, as Her playful chatter drew to an end in a softer tone, and She folded Her hands in Her lap as She looked into his eyes. "What's wrong, Jason?"
"It's just... you kind of touched on why I'm here. The Answer. The stunt with the grain. The medal. The Arikara." He closed his eyes and took a deep breath to steady himself. "It's all just too much. Been having nightmares about the whole thing. Can't get it out of my head, and... well, I went and clipped my own wings, didn't I? I can't even fly to try to put it behind me. Just... sit around being useless."
He spent some time describing them to her, in as much detail as he could actually remember. Even he could recognize the symbolism in them. His mind was replaying different versions of the Answer in abstract form, with the pack of wolves standing in for the Kobolds. It was a sense of helplessness in the face of wanting to help others, blended with lingering dread that was the echo of the fearful moment when he'd risked his own life in a stupid and desperate stunt to do what he could for them. Actually talking about the dreams with a sympathetic ear made it all seem so much simpler than it did when he was having them, or still freshly awakened from one. Still, it felt good to let those fears into the open air.
She listened to him with rapt attention, and mostly let him talk himself into something resembling a solution before contributing much to the conversation beyond the occasional prompting for him to keep talking. When She did speak up, it came almost as a surprise. "It sounds to me like you have three problems, each of which has its own solution. First, you feel guilty about the scrapping of the Arikara, and the fact that you don't have a ship any more is making the rest worse. Second, you want to be able to help people, and don't know what you can do for others when you can't use your skill-set as a pilot. Third, you're afraid of being powerless again when you do help somebody." She paused, looking into his eyes, and he found himself marveling at how Hers sparkled even when it wasn't mischief which shone there. "Do you trust me?"
"With every fiber of my being." The answer came from him without thought or hesitation, just as easily as he had first said yes to Her on the day of the Answer. Philosophical questions could wait for another day, if he ever even bothered to ask them to begin with. The why didn't matter. Just that he did trust Her.
"Then I think I can answer all three together. Come to the south starside port at noon, the day after tomorrow, and come with a bag packed."
Sergeant Aaron Green was ready to rip out what was left of his hair. The promotion that he didn't feel like he deserved was bad enough, but now he finally had marching orders, and he didn't know whether to celebrate them or ring up command and ask them what the hell they were thinking. They were giving him nineteen people to command? Oh, one would be a Corporal, his second-in-command and sharing the load, but still, the numbers seemed a bit high. The idea of commanding a group this large, he could wrap his head around, even if he wasn't sure he was ready for it. What really blew his mind was the nature of the mission they were going to be undertaking.
They were to serve as an honor guard, which made more sense of the size of the squad. It wasn't intended to be a combat unit unless things went pear-shaped. That meant that they'd be packing dress-blues, and apparently even their new vacuum-suits were going to be colored to resemble the same. They were going to be one of the first squads to be equipped with all-new, post-Answer gear by the looks of it, which was going to be interesting.
He was going over the mission details for what felt like the hundredth time. He understood the logic behind taking a civilian transport, if it was primarily an honor escort for some civilian dignitary, but why in the world had they already assigned his unit to this job if there wasn't yet a ship or pilot lined up for it? He was asking himself that question when his terminal pinged with a new message.
"Travel arrangements have been made. Your squad is to report to Angelia Starside-South, Bay 3A, at 11:00 the day after tomorrow. Be in dress blues for the christening of a ship."
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submitted by Aetharan to HFY [link] [comments]

AITA for Giving a Friend My Opinion?

I was helping a friend out with his Christmas shopping last week. Took him to Walmart because he wanted to get a few things for several people, including his girlfriend. It should be mentioned that this guy is on something of a fixed income and would not be able to maintain a savings account if his life depended on it. I ask what his girlfriend wants him to get her for Christmas. His response? An Apple watch. I just looked at him in shock... "Do you mean a watch that's shaped like an apple or a smartwatch that would connect to her iPhone?" He confirmed that she wanted the latter... which I figured. "Dude, there's no chance you have enough for that." When I asked him how much he was planning on spending, he said about $30. I told him he'd need about 10x that much for the kind of watch he was looking for. So he settled for a much more affordable digital watch that basically just tells time.
I talked to him again earlier this week and he let me know that he was gonna go shopping again. I thought he got everything he needed to get last week, so I asked who he forgot to get a gift for. He said he has to get something else for the girlfriend. "Didn't you get her a watch last week?"
"She didn't like it."
I should have just bitten my tongue, but I shared my opinion for better or worse. Because here's this guy who's on a fixed income and knowingly has a spending problem who wanted to do something nice for his girlfriend for Christmas. But what he got her wasn't good enough because it wasn't a $300 smartwatch. I flat out told him I thought that was messed up.
"Dude, my mother gets me some pretty lousy gifts sometimes. Like those impulse bathroom joke books that you find when you're waiting in line at Barnes & Noble. Do I tell her I hate those books and have no use for them? No. I tell her thank you. Because I appreciate that she wanted to get me something because she was thinking of me because she loves me. Someone who claims to love you tells you she doesn't like the watch you got her and you're just okay with that?"
Like I said... I probably should have just kept my mouth shut. But it was really hard not to say something when it really felt like my friend is being taken advantage of and even, potentially, being emotionally manipulated. So... am I the asshole for telling my friend what I was thinking?
submitted by Peckapalooza to AmItheAsshole [link] [comments]

UPDATE: My friend aged 15 years over the weekend and nobody knows what is wrong with him

Age: 58
Sex: M
Height: 6'2
Weight: About 225lb
Race: White
Duration of complaint: 5 days
Location: Washington state
Original post
I wanted to write an update because I really appreciate the concern and advice I got when I wrote my last post. My friend's situation escalated quickly after I posted and we are still not sure what's wrong with him but a lot has happened. Sorry for the long post, I think I got a little vicariously traumatized by all this, and writing it all out made me feel better.
I think I posted on a Thursday and by Sunday his symptoms had changed a lot. Instead of "throwing" invisible things he was involuntarily twisting his body to the right and reaching out his arm like he was trying to grab something just beyond his reach. He also started "getting stuck," meaning he would suddenly freeze and be unable to move for maybe 10 or 15 seconds. This was happening frequently, probably 6 to 10 times an hour. He also started walking slowly backward in circles, involuntarily, which usually resulted in him falling down. He did this once while I was with him at the top of a short flight of stairs and fell down hard on rocks. I tried to stop him but just wasn't strong enough to hold him up. He was covered in scrapes and bruises within a few days.
On Monday he was able to see a neurologist (I'm not even going to mention the PCP visit he had that Saturday because it was beyond pointless). The neuro had no idea what to make of any of it. I kept getting the impression that doctors felt like he was exaggerating or making these symptoms up, despite the poor guy being obviously distressed and covered in bruises. The neuro ordered an EEG and an MRI but said they would take a few weeks to schedule. I tried my best to advocate, explaining that we live in the county (I am his closest neighbor) and he wasn't able to drive, he kept falling down, he really needed some help urgently. We were told, "I know that must be frustrating but these things take time to figure out."
That same Monday I got him a smartwatch with an SOS button so if he fell down he could press the button and call me. The watch was also supposed to detect falls but that never seemed to work right. Anyway, Monday night (just hours after the neurologist visit) I get an SOS call about 1 AM. I honestly wasn't sure if it was user error but he wasn't answering my calls so I figured I better go check on him.
I found him sitting next to his bed on the floor looking terrified. He said something bad had happened, it was worse than ever, and he wanted to go back to the ER. I was very reluctant. He looked no worse to me than when I took him to the doctor earlier that day and I really didn't believe the ER would do anything for him. I was also starting to feel overwhelmed by all this and had hoped to get a full day in at work in the morning (I had hardly put in four hours at my job since the first ER visit). So I sat with him for an hour, nothing happened, and I decided to return to my house to go back to sleep. But I couldn't sleep. I was worried and felt guilty for leaving him alone when he wanted to go to the ER. So I trotted back over there, we got out the camping mattress and I settled in for a night on his bedroom floor.
I hadn't even been there 20 minutes when I heard moving and labored breathing coming from his bed so I turned on my phone light to check on him. He was having a full-blown convulsive seizure, it was terrifying. His face was twisted in agony and he was making a terrible sound like he was choking on his own tongue. I caught in on video. I wish I could take credit for that idea, but he had told me earlier that "if it happens again, film it," but I didn't know WHAT was going to happen again. Anyway, that video came in pretty handy in the day to come.
I immediately packed him up and took him back to the ER and showed my video to the doctor. The doctor SEEMED concerned, he really did. He gave my friend an Ativan and a prescription for 8 more pills and sent him home. He said he should get an MRI and an EEG, just like the neuro did, but there was nothing he could do to get those tests any faster - it would take weeks, he said. We were assured that Ativan was the "gold standard" for seizures and the doc told us that if he had another seizure to bring him back, but said he would be shocked if he had another seizure now that he had the miracle drug Ativan on board.
My friend felt better and was making less involuntary movements (although not NO involuntary movements) so I took him home and went back to sleep myself. I got a couple of hours of sleep and called into to work (AGAIN) because I had to go fill this stupid Ativan prescription now that it was daytime. First I stopped over to check on my friend. He said he was just about to call me because he'd had two more seizures. "Like the one in the video?" I asked. He said yes.
Getting him back in the car this time was really difficult. I had to help him put his shoes on and called my husband over to help the guy walk 50 feet to my car without falling down. He was in the worst shape I had seen him and he just had that amazing seizure-proofing drug, Ativan, 3 or 4 hours ago.
We raced back to the hospital and this time his condition was undeniable. He couldn't go 3 minutes without an episode, kept freezing, twisting, could hardly talk. The other times I parked in the parking lot and we walked in but this time I drove him to the emergency entrance and they helped me get him into a wheelchair.
Everything about that day is hazy but I got him back to the hospital for the second time at about 8am and was with him until he was settled into his own room around 5pm. I showed the video to anyone who would watch it and described what I had seen over the last few days to so many doctors.
All of a sudden the EEG appointment and MRI scan were magically available and he had both within a few hours. The EEG showed the freezing, twisting and reaching symptoms appeared to be seizures on the machine. The doctors were confused by this because apparently during a seizure you're not supposed to be aware of what is happening around you, but he was always conscious. The MRI results showed an abnormality on his frontal left lobe. They said they didn't think it looked like a tumor or stroke. Initially, they thought it might be an infection or virus and loaded him up on antibiotics and antivirals. They gave him a lot of anti-convulsants as well as a high dose of Ativan.
After this point, I went home and don't have as many details. But he was in the hospital for 4 nights. They released him on Saturday and the episodes and seizures have stopped but he is on some VERY serious anti-seizure medication (none of which are Ativan) which makes him feel like garbage. They still don't know what he has - apparently, infection/virus has been ruled out because none of his medications are antibiotics. They are waiting on the results of a lumbar puncture and some paraneoplastic test (I don't know what that is, but I googled it and it looks like they're trying to rule out cancer maybe?). He still isn't supposed to drive but I feel comfortable that he is safe to be on his own at least. He hasn't been making the involuntary movements but I am still concerned about what this will mean for him in the long run.
And that's all I've got. Thanks for reading.
Edit: re-reading my post I think I sound a little snarky - although I was frustrated with how difficult it was to get him admitted I was very grateful to the many kind and helpful healthcare workers who assisted us.
I also wanted to add this picture I took of his after visit summary for anyone who might be able to give me some insight!
submitted by thesmellnextdoor to AskDocs [link] [comments]

Looking for a rugged Casio - Do I *need* a G-Shock

I've been thinking about adding a rugged Casio to my collection. I would wear it during the Summer while swimming, but the real reason would be to wear it at work. I work as a site safety representative on a construction site. I don't do actual construction, but I'm all over the site and often have to climb into places, go into wet environments, and I'm around all kinds of work. I usually wear a smartwatch when at work, but recently I've been thinking about getting a watch that I won't have to worry about.
So, I've been toying with the idea of getting a G-Shock DW5600. Inexpensive and durable. Seems to fit the bill, but do I need it? Can I get away with, say, a w218h or even a w800h? They're inexpensive as well, and if they get too damaged they're cheap enough to just replace completely.
I'd appreciate the input, because I'm really having a hard time with this one. Besides, my a158 needs a friend.
submitted by LiquidSoapEnthusiast to casio [link] [comments]

A few words about the T-Rex after ~6 months of using it

TL;DR - very happy with watch, but it has some flaws.

Around April/May (can't recall when exactly) my T-Rex had finally arrived and I've been using it pretty much exclusively ever since. So how was the experience?

Well, pretty good, actually. First of all, I no longer have to care how deeply buried in my pockets (or backpack) my phone is, as I get message/call notifications. It's a pretty obvious thing for smartwatch users, but as a user of more traditional watches prior to the T-Rex, it had always been a choice between not hearing my phone and missing calls or setting the volume to eardrum-shattering levels. Now I can have my phone on vibrate only and I'm loving it. Not a feature unique to the T-Rex, obviously, but, for me, it's a huge plus.

Secondly (and now let's focus on the watch as such) this thing is RUGGED. I mean, not only is it built like a tank, but the materials it's made of seem to be of very high quality. Six months of daily wear and there isn't a scratch on the bezel or the glass. I could polish it a bit with a soft cloth and you really wouldn't be able to say if this was a brand new piece or one that has been worn for months. Previously I'd wear cheaper, more robust watches (like Casio's G-Shock series or my old DW-290) to work, since I work in LE and wearing an expensive watch on duty is not a smart thing to do (unless you spend all day in an office, in which case YMMV). No problems with that now, since I'm pretty certain the T-Rex can take whatever I would care to throw at it and then some.

Thirdly, being able to control my HR and sleep is a very nice thing indeed. Since my blood pressure could be a bit lower (or so my wife keeps telling me), being able to keep an eye on my HR is a handy feature.

Fourthly, I must say I'm impressed by how quickly the watch manages to get a GPS signal, even in difficult terrain, like a forest. I recall the issues I had with my old Suunto Ambit 1, which sometimes needed 2-3 minutes to get a location. Here it's usually done in a couple of seconds, with about 30 seconds being the longest I've ever had to wait, and that was in a heavily wooded area.

Fifthly, the battery life is incredible. Three weeks without charging is an amazing result in a smartwatch.

However, despite the watch having a whole bunch of good things going for it, there are some issues that I find make it "only" a very good watch, not a perfect one.

First and foremost, for me, is the lack of built-in navigation. This is a huge oversight and I really don't understand the logic behind it. I mean, the watch already has a GPS module, so adding a very simple navigation function to it shouldn't be an issue. I don't need detailed maps, I just need to be able to save a POI and then be able to find my way back to it. A very simple navigation system of an arrow pointing towards the destination and the distance remaining is all I ask for. That's what I had in my Ambit 1, and that watch is over 8 years old! I don't need the watch to map a route for me, just tell me which way to go. Since I like to spend time strolling around forests and I often just drive until I find an area I like (so these are not places I'm always familiar with), being able to find the way back to my car is a pretty big deal. In 95 cases out of 100 I can do that easily enough on my own, but there are situations where a watch telling you "the car is 3,7 kilometers in THAT direction, dumbass" helps. Having to carry both the T-Rex (on my wrist) AND the Ambit (attached to my backpack strap or something) is pretty ridiculous. Whoever decided not to include this feature in what they're trying to advertise as a "military" smartwatch made a huge mistake.

The second thing I think needs some work is the step counter. I get the feeling it's not quite as accurate as it could (and should) be. I mean, ok, on a day-to-day basis it doesn't really matter if I took 2000 or 4000 steps and I really couldn't care less. But if I use the watch in exercise mode on my elliptical and it shows me I've been exercising for over an hour but only took something like 400 steps, something's not right. The accelerometer definitely needs a bit of work here.

Finally (and this is not an issue with the watch as such) the official app could really use some work. Having to use third-party apps because they're actually bettecleareeasier to use is a bit odd.

All in all I'm quite happy with the watch. Considering the price and the quality, it's a good purchase. But if only they'd gone those few extra steps, this watch would dominate the market. As it is, it'll pass unnoticed by many people, overshadowed by things like the Galaxy Watch series or Huawei watches :( Which really is a pity.
submitted by Ringwraith_Number_5 to amazfit [link] [comments]

I've found a device that allowed me to travel between dimensions

Hello there. My story began around 2 years ago. I was 17 at the time. I was going back home from cinema. It was a normal night. I could saw everything because of moon. But I felt kinda strange it's really hard to put it into words I've had constant feeling something is gonna happen.
When I was near my house I heard a sudden explosion. I jumped out of fear but it wasn't anything unusual around here firecrackers and fireworks are legal so explosions are common. Normally I would ignore that but this time after explosion I could hear buzzing. I've had a lot of firecrackers but I've never heard anything similar. I've decided to see what is making that noise. After 5 minutes I've saw the place of explosion there wasn't anything unusual about it except one thing. There was a watch in a middle of this small crater. The watch was strange i didn't saw any screen or dial. It looked like circle of Steel. Dice it was getting late i took it and went to my home.
I've got into my room turned the lights on and started inspecting this strange thing. Maybe it's one of those new smartwatches. I tried to unlock it like similar one in tutorial but there was no effect. Maybe it's discharged i thought to myself. But no matter how hard I looked I couldn't find any screw any charging port or place to put batteries. Now when I looked at it closer I noticed something. There was literally nothing on the watch it looked just like polished piece of steel nothing more. It looked cool so I put it on my hand and decided that I'm going to sleep.
As soon as I put it on something clicked. It was very noise so I got scared. When I looked at the watch I saw screen appeared. Just like that it was a piece of polished steel and now it had screen out of nowhere. I was Suprised but I thought that it's awesome technology. It made me feel like a cavemen for a moment.
On screen there was a string of numbers. It displayed number "174 384" At this moment I assumed it was just broken because someone tried to destroy it. But one more thing appeared a circle around the screen. I turned the circle and the number changed now it was "174 380" I took my hand away and in the same moment I saw light. It wasn't from my room neither from the moon. It appeared from nowhere and when it dissapeard I was terrified. I was still in my room but something was a bit different it was darker outside. "what the hell" i thought "its the full moon today why is it so dark?" I went outside and I saw moon. But it wasn't full moon. Only half of it was visible. I looked at watch in terror a train of thoughts went through my head. Is it because of watch? If it is because of it what did it do? Have I gone back in time? If I went back in time how to get back? What if I meet myself? At this point I couldn't think straight. But after a few minutes of shock mixed with terror I tried to turn the circle around screen to original number. Again as soon as I took my hand of light appeared out of nowhere then it disappeared. I was looking down i didn't want to look up i was terrified. Finally I looked at the moon. It was full again. I rushed to my room and took the watch off my hand i put it in my drawer and layed on my bed. My heart was beating so fast I thought it will explode. I couldn't sleep i was to scared to even think about sleeping. Fortunately I fell asleep only about two hours later.
When I woke up. I went to bathroom looked in the mirror and said to myself it was just a dream. I went back to my room i saw my drawer and thought "does it really was only a dream? It felt so real." I opened my drawer and I saw it the watch was still here. My heart skipped a beat. I couldn't believe it. Everything really happened. Now that I was calm I could analyse what happend. Did I went back in time? I started to think about searching for something which could prove or disprove that. Then it hit me. I couldn't go back in time. After light went away I was still in the same place. It would be impossible if it was time travel. Maybe I travelled to an alternate version of earth? It made sense i was still in the same place and only thing that changed there was that moon was in another phase. I've had to try again . I put the watch on my hand i turned the circle again and went to the same world as yesterday. Light appeared then disspared. I was in my room looked around everything looked the same. I went outside and still everything looked the same. I've googled "current phase of the moon". First result:"Third quarter" I was amazed ed I really could travel between alternate versions of the earth.
I was a huge history nerd and a huge fan of "Alternate History Hub". After I went back to my universe I started searching for some buttons or anything like that in the watch. Finally i swiped and some kind of menu appeared there wasn't any text just a bunch of icons. One caught my attention especially. I can't really describe it but it was an icon of the earth entering mirror with a little star in corner. I clicked on it and I felt very strong prick. Needle pierced my hand in the place where the watch was. On the screen circle started spinning. After a while it stopped and the warning appeared "following list contains list of interesting dimensions. The list isn't complete and maybe updated over time" the list was massive it started at number one but there were hops of several thousands. From what I understood it took universes with massive difference from the previous one and then ignored every universe until next major difference. Number one was signed "Base world" then there was number "3273" signed what if Karol Krueger never ruled?
Most of those universes were strange for me wars I've never heard of people i didnt recognise etc. I went out of the list and got back to menu. It looked different now icons looked more similar to those on my phone. I saw icon of settings. I got into them and started searching for informations what is this watch why is it here and whose it is. I didn't found anything. I found an option called "Center on the world 0" I turned it off and warning appeared "warning if you turn this off everything will be centered around your current dimension. Are you sure? I clicked yes and went back to the list. Now dimension 174 384 was signed" Base World" the list looked much more chaotic now. Numbers weren't in order. After base World there was a world called "What if humanity never existed?" Then "What if Humanity Never left Africa?" etc.
That's how I spend 2 years of my life I got back from school did my homework and then I went to alternate dimensions.
Yesterday I went to the dimension called "What if Humans were immortal?" I thought that it was going to be some kind of utopia. I was wrong. When I arrived everything seemed normal at first I started walking around and I saw building it looked like a normal building. Doors where open so I went inside. It was the biggest mistake of my life. What I saw inside is still in from of me i can't get that picture out of my mind.
Inside there was a human. No i don't think I can call it human anymore it was something that seemed like a women she had only one eye almost no skin and muscles. I was about to throw up when it saw me. It moved its one eye to me. She was still alive. But there wasnt any life in her eyes anymore then I heard the most terrifying sound I've ever could possibly imagine. Just one word "Why?" I couldn't stop my tears I started crying because I knew she will be like that until the end I Couldn't help her in any way. She was sentenced to this eternal agony. I ran away and returned returned to my dimension. I Just want to end this suffer. I just wanted to tell my story before I end this all. I decided I'll do it in three days.
submitted by Hubert0145 to nosleep [link] [comments]

Dynamic - Chapter I: A Strange Night

Ping, the phone notified that the cab is here. Emma rushed towards the door, picking up her phone in a hurry from the dresser and paused for a moment to take a final look in the mirror. With her thumb over the cancel button on her phone’s slightly cracked screen. Emma looked at her image.
“I need this” said Emma in her head and headed towards the door.
Emma was an average height, 5’5’’, with naturally blonde hair and brown eyes. She had an average body and a cute and innocent smile. She was wearing a golden mini dress with black heels and red lipstick complementing her light pink cheeks and her blonde hair. With a small handbag in one hand and her phone on the other, she got in the cab a little nervous and regretful knowing it’s going to be a crazy night in Philadelphia.
She got off the cab on a street close to downtown and texted her friend, Chloe, ‘I’m here’. With her suggestive dress shining bright from a nearby green light, standing on the street with onlookers was making her uncomfortable. She was avoiding eye contact with anyone and with occasional scan for Chloe, mostly stared on her recent text. ‘Emma’, suddenly a familiar voice from the other side of the one-way street caught her very attentive ears. She looked up and found Chloe waiving at her from the other side and without waiting for the light to turn red, she rushed towards her. Her impulsive jaywalking caused her to nearly get hit by a car on the street. Chloe could see Emma breathing heavy and said
“don’t worry about it too much, you’ll be fine. I’ve done it a couple of times now”
Emma shook her head in nervous agreement and started walking with Chloe. After walking 2 blocks Chloe said
“This is it. You take this spot, I’ll pick one nearby. And remember, look sexy and stay safe”
Emma shook her head but didn’t say anything. Some cars slowed down near her and moved on. She waited 20 minutes in her spot but no one stopped. Suddenly a white muscle car pulled over in front of her. She was confused and started walking towards it very slowly. Her heart was racing and she could feel every heart beat in her chest. The man in the car yelled
“Hey bitch! You gonna take forever? I got no time for this drama”
She stopped and took a couple of steps back. The car took off and she was relieved. As the moment passed, she realized she missed the opportunity and decided to seize the next one.
She waited another 15 minutes and a black business sedan pulled over in front of her. She could see a man in a suit looking at her from the car window. She walked towards the car and leaned on the window. The guy asked
“Miss, are you available for business?”
“Would you like to get in?”
Emma got in the car
‘I’m Oliver’, said the guy
‘Emma, I mean Sunshine’, Emma fumbled
‘Umm Okay, nice to meet you’, said Oliver and started driving
There was an awkward silence throughout the drive. Oliver pulled over in front of a hotel Orion in downtown, kept silent for a minute and turned to Emma.
“I’m sorry miss, this was a bad idea. I’m sorry for wasting your time but I’ll compensate it. You never mentioned how much you charge”
Emma realized out of anxiety that she never discussed the rate with Oliver.
“I charge $120 for an hour. But you don’t need to pay me. You’re a nice guy and I get it”
“No miss, you can take it”
Oliver extended his hand towards Emma with a $100 and a $20 bill. Emma said
“I would have taken it if you had used my services. Don’t stress it”
“Are you comfortable with ballbusting?” said Oliver
“What?” Emma was shocked
“I’m sorry miss, here you can take this money and if you want, I can drive you back”
“I know what ballbusting fetish means”
“You do?”
”Yes, I’ve never tried it before but I’m aware of it”
“Would you mind? I can pay you extra”
“You don’t need to, just pay me $120”
They got out of the car and got into the building. In the lobby Emma got the first look at Oliver. He was around 5’8’’, black hair, clean shaved, dark grey business suit with a loose tie. Smartwatch with metallic strap, groomed medium hair and shiny black shoes. As they walked through the lobby to the front desk, she saw a man sitting in the lobby with his phone lifting his head up and staring at her with a smirk. An old man at the desk looked at Oliver in a suit and then at her in her golden mini dress. Usual for him, he handed over a form to Oliver and reached out for a key. Taking a quick read of the form, the old man handed Oliver a key card for the room 1408. They got into the elevator, exit into an empty hallway and got into their room.
Emma walked into the room and Oliver locked the door behind her and said in a nervous tone
“Please feel free to leave whenever you like”
“It’s okay, you’re a gentleman. Here, let me help you with your jacket”
Emma walked towards him, put her hands on his shoulders and slowly slid them inside his jacket and took it off. Emma said,
“Ballbusting, do you really want to do that?”
“Yes mistress!”
Emma suddenly skipped a beat. She was being called a mistress for the first time in her life and it gave her a kick. She turned towards him and was confused how to follow up. There was an awkward silence with both looking at each other. Oliver broke the silence and said
“Where do you want me mistress?”
Emma blandly pointed in front of her and said
“Come to me”
Oliver stood in front of her, raised his hands over his head and spread his legs.
“Wait, should I just kick you right away?”
“As you please, mistress!”
Again, Emma felt a sudden rush of excitement. She had never felt like this before, the feeling of her being superior than someone.
”I should take off my heels first, I don’t want to fall over”
Emma took off her heels and stood in front of Oliver who was in the slave position. She raised her right leg to deliver a kick and started counting.
“1… 2… … …”
She couldn’t say 3 and go ahead hurting someone.
“Don’t worry mistress, you can hit me”
She tried again and started swinging her leg this time. The kick started with a lot of momentum but barely made any contact. Her conscience was pulling her kick. She looked up towards Oliver’s face
“You can kick me harder mistress”
Emma was silent. She tried and again barely made contact. She assumed the kicking stance again and neither said anything. There was absolute silence and she closed her eyes. She swung again this time hitting Oliver with quite a force. She immediately opened her eyes and said with concern
“I’m extremely sorry, was that too hard? Are you okay?”
She found Oliver still standing in the same pose and said
“Yes, mistress. You can hit me a lot harder than that”
Emma assumed the kicking stance again. She was thinking about all those times people have been telling her that she could do better, all her life and now she was being told the same about hitting a guy in the nuts. With a frown on her face and without checking if he’s ready, she delivered a kick with everything she got but she was not convinced. Oliver was still standing and before he could say anything, she said
“I can do better!”
She kicked him again with everything she got, and Oliver just flinched a little bit. As he was still standing, she kick him again, and again, and again. She looked up towards him and he said
“Mistress, maybe you would want me to take off my clothes?”
“Yes, do that”
She was catching her breath and soon realized Oliver was completely naked standing in front of her in the same position. She kept staring at his balls and his soft dick. She didn’t say anything and assumed the kicking stance again.
She delivered a full force kick on his balls with her bare feet. The sound of a hard slap filled the room and Oliver gave out a grunt but was still standing. She saw the balls bouncing with the aftereffects of the kick. She looked at his face and they both made eye contact. They look into each other’s eyes for quit some time with neither saying a word. Emma assumes stance again and delivered the hardest kick yet. Oliver grunted, lost his balance, and collapsed on the floor. Emma was now much more confident with her kicks and surprisingly she had lost all concern for Oliver’s pain. Oliver was on the ground curled up in pain.
“Get up and spread” said Emma in a commanding voice
“Yes mistress”
Oliver got up and assumes position again.
“No, turn and go lean on that wall”
Emma pointed Oliver towards a wall in the room and Oliver followed.
“Now you won’t know when the kick’s coming, exiting”
She had now a much better view of the balls, not hindered by the dick, she delivered a kick right at the balls. Oliver jumped and stood again. She realized her dress was restricting her. She lifted her dress above her waist revealing a black thong and her cute bubble butt.
She kicked him with even greater force this time. Oliver jumped and went down on the floor. Emma said
“Stand up, turn towards me, hold my hands”
Oliver got up held her hands out wide near the waist. Oliver was looking down at her panties and didn’t realize when the next kick came in. He jumped but Emma was holding his hands and she started delivering rapid fire kicks. Oliver would jump with every kick and Emma would try to connect the next kick as was coming down but she couldn’t, she wasn’t fast enough. She continued kicking rapidly holding his hands for a little while. Oliver seeing her panty started getting an erection. Now with every kick, she could feel hitting his hard dick with her leg. Every grunt in pain was making her more and more aroused.
To Oliver’s surprise, Emma suddenly hugged him. Oliver got even harder erection and his dick started throbbing. Oliver said
“Thank you mistress”
Emma came close to his ear and said with a smirk
As soon as Oliver spread his legs, she started kneeing him rapidly. Oliver had no where to go as she was hugging him tight in her arms. With every knee Oliver’s balls would bounce and his dick would rub against Emma’s stomach. She had lost count of how many knees she had delivered and just went on with the rhythm.
She kept kneeing him, often switching legs but never let go of Oliver. Oliver kept grunting and never spoke a word. She was all sweaty and breathing heavy. She let go of Oliver and he collapsed on the ground. She looked around for a chair to sit. She saw a chair but sat down on the bed which was closer. She saw her knees and her feet, all red, matching the color of Oliver’s balls.
She removed her dress as she was sweating heavily, revealing her small and perky breasts with pink and hard nipples. Oliver got on his knees and hugged Emma at her waist while she was sitting on the bed. As they were cuddling, Emma started playing with Oliver’s hair. Oliver was resting against her body and was silent.
“I have always been undermined by the people in my life”
“Especially the men”
“My father was not a nice man”
“He would do things to me and my mom”
“One day my mom took off, leaving me behind”
“My father blamed me for that”
“He would drink every night”
“And hit me if I say something”
“I was 16 when I decided I had had enough”
“And I ran away”
“Met this man in New York whom I thought was nothing like my father”
“Turns out he’s the same kind”
“I left him the day he hit me and came to Philadelphia”
Tears started pouring out of Emma’s eyes. Oliver hugged her tighter and she lowered her head to rest it over his and they stayed like that. After some time, Emma got up raised Oliver to see his face. He smiled looking at her and said
“Thank you mistress”
“I had fun too” said Emma
Oliver reached to his wallet and took out $120. Emma said
“You don’t need to. What we had tonight was something special, and no amount of money can match that” Said Emma looking into Oliver’s eyes
Oliver walked towards her and said
“Yes mistress, I know but you should take it. We all need to pay our bills”
“I know but I can’t take this. I don’t want to remember tonight as something I did for money” Emma said holding Oliver’s wrists.
“Yes mistress, but you don’t have to”
“What we had was special and it can only stay special if everything else has been taken care of”
“If you take this money and pay your bills, only then can you decide if you really want to do this again“
“Not for the money, but for us”
Emma was quiet for a while but she took the money. Oliver decided he’d stay the night at the hotel while Emma decided to get back home. Oliver insisted to book her a hotel cab but she declined. She booked from her phone, got dressed and left the room, through the hallway, into the elevator and down in the lobby. She waited for the cab in the empty lobby and got in once it arrived. While on her way back in the cab, she had her head leaning on the glass window and kept thinking of how the night went with a smile on the face

{ Apologies for any grammatical errors I might have made. This is the first chapter for a planned universe with multiple characters. I would really appreciate any feedback to improve the quality of my writing. Thank you, have a great day! }
submitted by game_dreamer to BallbustingStories [link] [comments]

[Daylight Savings Thread] What are your easiest and hardest watches to adjust?

Here's how I rank mine, with some examples. Anyone have something different or unusual in how you change the time zone?
Tier 1 - Casio G-Shock GW-M5610. This is a multi-band watch that sets itself from radio signals, so there's usually nothing to do at all. It automatically syncs at night, but sometimes it fails, including last night. I can hold a pusher to manually get signal, but it never works during the day. due to interference. To correct it, I can manually turn off DST, put it in world time mode and go back an hour, or just wait and let it fix itself overnight. If I had a smartwatch it would be above this though.
Tier 2 - GMTs. My Rolex 16760 has the 3085 movement, which is the first year they introduced an independent hour hand. Just need to unscrew the crown, move it out one position, and give it a single turn. My GS SBGM235 is the same, minus the screw-down crown.
Setting GMT watches for daylight savings change
Tier 3 - Watches with hacking seconds. I have a few watches, both mechanical and quartz, that have hacking seconds. Stop the time at 0 seconds, set the hour and minute, wait till your reference time (usually my g-shock or watchville app) comes around to 0, then push the crown in. Most of the mechanicals are not wound, so I'll just wait till I wear them and set them then.
Tier 4 - Watches that kind of hack when you set the minute hand backward. Here I have Speedmaster Professional and an Orient "King Master" EM5Z-C3 CA. These get their own tier because they're a pain to set if you try to set it perfectly to the second (which I don't try to do in the video). Insetead of hacking, the seconds hand stops if you apply light counter-clockwise pressure on the crown. If you put a bit more pressure, the seconds hand actually moves backward a few seconds. If you want to set it perfectly, set it to the upcoming minute with the seconds hand held at 0, wait until the reference time comes around to zero, then either push it back in immediately or give it a clockwise nudge to get it going again.
Setting watches that sort of hack for daylight savings change
submitted by djk84 to Watches [link] [comments]

A tough smartwatch?

I have/carry a casio g-shock (model No. 5522)and I'm thinking of getting a smartwatch,many of my friends have a karmini or an iwatch and they seem cool, although Im not sure about a chinese watches abilty to keep up with my lifestyle (sports, rain, saunas, wresteling etc) but I do like theyr gadgets (heart monitor , step counter etc) are there any smartwatches that tolerate abuse (extreme temperature changes, moisture, scraping, banging etc)? And as always the more price efficient the better 🤑
submitted by sininemart to EDC [link] [comments]

90 days. 65 pounds, and dumped high blood pressure and cholesterol at the same time. None of my clothes fit, but I feel so much better! Here's how I did it, and what I learned during the process.

Sorry for the long post. There's a lot to cover. The TL;DR is at the end, but I'd recommend reading the whole post if you actually want to try what I did, because there were a lot of little (and not so little) lessons that I learned along the way, both good and bad.
On June 1, my life was fucking awful. Two months prior, my wife moved out with 2 days' notice. I had no idea anything was wrong, and she wouldn't even tell me why at first. I found out later that she'd just been putting on a smile and pretending everything was fine, when it wasn't.
I was in school, and my grades had tanked. I was in danger of losing financial aid. I was about to have to move. I was losing my wife, and she wanted to take my 5-year-old daughter 50% of the time, with that same 2-day notice. On the Holms-Rahe Stress Inventory, on a scale that maxes out at 300 points to determine how close to a stress-induced health breakdown I was, I scored 753 points. I had high blood pressure, high cholesterol, type 2 diabetes, anxiety, depression, and really severe ADHD. Life fucking sucked.
But I decided I was going to work on personal improvement instead of wallowing in self-pity. I started weighing myself while trying to figure out how to change the numbers on the scale. I wanted to try something like calorie counting and intermittent fasting, but I just couldn't stop eating crap. Tons of it.
When you're diabetic, and you don't eat, you kind of get the shakes. You feel a little uneasy, maybe stressed out, irritable, and possibly dizzy or nauseous. But when your whole fucking world is dumped on its head, you feel like that all the time. I forgot to eat for three days, because all of those warning signs were just what it was like to exist at all, all day, every day.
At 8:30 pm one night, I realized I was hungry. I thought to myself "Huh. I'm hungry. When did I last eat? Wait, when did I last eat?" And that's when I realized it had been three days.
I weight myself. The scale said I'd lost 11 pounds in those three days. I was shocked, for two reasons: I had lost an astonishing amount of weight during that time, and I had managed to fast after all. The next day, another two. 13 pounds in 4 days. I decided I'd better call my doctor, because there was no way that was safe. I wasn't able to schedule an appointment right away, so I had to wait a week or two. Meanwhile, I decided to use my new-found willpower and try out this whole /intermittentfasting thing. Specifically, OMAD, or One Meal A Day.
Surprisingly, my doctor wasn't concerned when I finally reached him. By that point, I'd lost roughly a dozen more pounds, and had started to exercise. But he said it was normal to experience extreme weight loss with extreme changes to diet and exercise. He put me on a blood glucose monitor to ensure my blood sugar didn't drop to dangerous levels since I'm diabetic, and warned me that I wouldn't keep losing at that rate forever because it wasn't sustainable. Much of it was water weight, and eventually it would slow down. But until then, "Enjoy it while it lasts," he said.
I targeted 1,250 calories per day, all during one meal (over roughly an hour, since I often snacked on the meal's ingredients as I cooked), and tracked everything using MyFitnessPal. Just the free version - I haven't needed to upgrade to the paid version yet. I also tracked my exercise using a smartwatch. I started setting goals, like targetting 175 pounds by December 15, or 6 months after I started. According to the math behind my loss so far, this appeared to be possible.
A side note on MyFitnessPal: don't link it to your smartwatch. If you do, it starts to give you calories back as if you've "earned" them. But if you do that, you'll eat more than your target, and you'll stop losing (or worse, start gaining!) weight again. The paid version allows you to disable this "feature", but I found that you can just unlink your smartwatch account and that works just as well.
And I kept losing weight! With the guidance of a dietician in my doctor's office, I started targeting the following proportions on my plate:
At my request, my dietician agreed to let me switch protein and veggies. (She said it wasn't ideal but it also wasn't a huge problem. My dietitian was blown away by my weight loss. I'd also recently had an A1C panel done (A1C is your blood sugar over ~3 months, as opposed to the instant, but short-term result that a glucose monitor provides), and my A1C had dropped from 10.1 to 8.6! My dietition mentioned that, with my latest A1C test result there was actually the possibility that I could eventually reverse type-2 diabetes!
So, at this point, I was on 1,250 calories per day, with specific targets for food type proportions, and eating it all in a single meal, usually at night. And I was losing an average of ~6 pounds per week this way. My doctor eventually asked me to start eating my one meal in the morning instead of the evening, since I was getting irritable and shaky in the late afternoon. By doing this, that feeling didn't occur while I was awake, and disappeared by the time I woke up the next day. In addition to losing all of the weight, I started paying more attention to my diabetes and blood pressure mediation. After a couple of weeks of doing so, gradually increasing the dose of my BP meds, I finally got my blood pressure under control, and my doctor was finally comfortable with me taking my ADHD meds without risk of a stroke. But he warned me about rebound weight, and how quickly I could gain it all back if I wasn't careful. I needed to stay true to my goals. He also expressed concerns about my goals. He wanted to be supportive of my desire to get to 175 pounds, but he felt that doing this in 6 months, and my thoughts of reversing diabetes by then as well, might be "ambitious", as he put it.
I gradually started to change what I ate, as well. Calorie counting meant I had to immediately dump some things, like candy bars, but others (like boxed mac n' cheese, milk, etc.) were still fair game. They increased my carbs and didn't give me much that was healthy, but this was a stepping stone. I started having smoothies for breakfast every few days. Eggs and bacon instead of sugary cereals. Broccoli or green beans with my meals. Etc. And, over time, I discovered that I was craving unhealthy stuff much less, and started enjoying things like dried fruit for snacks (apricots and mangos, mmm!) that I didn't used to go for much. Tastes change when your body starts getting used to the idea of not having everything be oversaturated with added salt and sugar.
At this point, I also started seeing a therapist. I wanted to address my anxiety and depression before I did something stupid, and I wanted to stop letting ADHD run my life. Even more than I knew it was, at the time. I was also concerned about the possibility that I was a narcissist, which is something my ex accused me of being when she finally told me why she left.
But then a new problem cropped up. (Warning: poop details.)
So, there's a thing called "dumping syndrome". It turns out that, when you eat a gigantic meal, it isn't all going to fit into your stomach where it can be digested and used by your body. Instead, your body "dumps" it into your small intestine once it runs out of room in your stomach. Well, when non-digested food ends up in there, it acts as a solute and pulls a bunch of water out of your intestinal lining, resulting in cramping and somewhat uncontrollable diarrhea. This is the same reason those with lactose intolerance get cramping and diarrhea: lactose is a sugar that your body can't process, and it does the same thing once it ends up in your intestines. So, yeah. I'd eat a huge meal, then I'd have to make sure I was always close to a bathroom because there was going to be a reckoning real soon now. And, sometimes, I didn't make it in time, or I made the mistake of leaning too far, too fast, while trying to get there. It wasn't pretty.
I asked my doctor about this, and also if there was a significant difference between OMAD and just limiting calories, but over multiple meals, he said no; there was no data to demonstrate that there was a statistically significant difference between the two methods. The only differences were that it can be hard to stretch 1,250 calories over three meals, and you'll spend more time making three meals instead of one. When my doctor explained all of this to me, we both agreed that I should stop doing OMAD and try to switch back to three meals a day, still restricted to 1,250 calories. At this point, I'd been on OMAD for roughly 8 weeks and had lost somewhere around 40 pounds. And, after a little while, the dumping syndrome symptoms mostly disappeared.
At this point, I decided I wanted to put more effort into my exercise. I joined the same dojo as my 5-year-old and started taking kempo karate. And I discovered a new problem: head rushes. When I started exercising intensely, I started to get pretty severe head rushes. I had already experienced them, and my doctor said that, yeah, that can happen when you aren't eating much. But they were WAY worse during karate sessions. I started to lose vision at the edges as it disappeared into a sort of grayish-brown static, and then it wasn't just at the edges. Eventually, the static turned red. Yikes. I was pretty sure that hallucinations weren't a good sign, and I was worried I'd have to change my diet enough that I'd stop losing weight.
Fortunately, it wasn't that bad at all. My doctor said that, basically, my brain was getting starved of glucose because my muscles were using it. This resulted in my visual cortex getting starved as well, and the aforementioned light show. He told me to stop exercising when that happened. I suggested upping my calories to 1,500 per day, and he agreed that was a good idea. It also had the benefit of being easier to spread over three meals. The head rushes and hallucinations disappeared. But I kept losing weight. Awesome! But my doctor had warned me, fairly early in the process, about the potential of gaining it all back too quickly if I didn't stay on top of my diet.
Then I met a girl. We went on some adventures. I stayed at her house a few days at a time. I started forgetting to take my meds, because they weren't in front of me, because I wasn't staying at home anymore.
But... about those meds. I hadn't realized that I'd forgotten them until I was in my doctor's office for a follow-up on something else. When they pulled out the cuff to take my vitals, I immediately thought "Ah, crap. I've been forgetting my meds for DAYS! My BP is going to be high again."
But it wasn't. It turns out that, when you lose 40+ pounds, start paying attention to macro proportions, and start hiking regularly, it lowers your blood pressure. Who knew? My doctor was pleased. I was ecstatic. Two days later, he permanently removed high blood pressure and high cholesterol from my chart. That's two out of three pills I didn't have to take. And then he started talking about something else. "So, here's the process we follow to remove diabetes from your chart," he said. He described continuing to test A1C levels until they are at normal, non-diabetic levels of ~5.7. Then they take me off my meds, and keep testing for a year after that. If I remain at non-diabetic levels, he said, they'd remove diabetes from my chart. He just said it matter-of-factly that day. As if it was a matter of when, rather than if. As if it was a foregone conclusion. I guess he changed his mind about me. :-)
So, that girl. We were having a good time togehter, and I stopped worrying as much about specific calorie counts, allowing myself to go a few hundred calories over each day. After all, I was still NOWHERE NEAR my original calorie count before this insane diet, right? And I gained 11 pounds back in only 6 days. Holy cow! My doctor was definitely right about the rebound weight! Fortunately, I got it back down after about 10 days. But lesson learned!
One of the recurring themes in this journey was the need to listen to my body. I needed to listen when I was getting head rushes. I needed to listen when I was suffering diarrhea. And I needed to listen when I was full. After a while, I started forcing myself to slow down, and I realized that I could get full WAY faster than I thought, but I just hadn't given my body enough time for my stomach nerves to figure it out and signal my brain "Hey. I'm full, dumbass. Stop eating."
I discovered a bunch of non-scale victories along the way, as well. Clothes not fitting was a big one, but there were some seemingly small events that had a REALLY big emotional impact when they happened. I went on a cave tour, and someone had to squeeze by at one point. Well, prior to that, turning sideways did nothing for this. I was basically a circle from above. But this time, I sucked in my gut and turned sideways, and it made a difference! Man, things like that felt good. I've also started out outpace my friends on trails and other activities. And when I dropped below 250 pounds... man. Okay, so there is a ton of stuff in life that has a weight limit of 250 pounds. That's basically what the country thinks is the limit of "normal" weight. And don't get me wrong; I'm not faulting this. It's basic structual engineering: things can only take so much weight. But it sucked when ladders creaked and bent, or I couldn't go on a trampoline, or I wasn't allowed to go skydiving. Now, I can! I got a monthly membership for my kid to go to a local trampoline park, and I'm allowed to jump with her! Ladders don't flex and move around when I stand on them. Hell, I can even go skydiving now, something I've always wanted to do! (Not that I can afford to, but at least I'm allowed now!) The number of life changes that have occurred is staggering!
It's been three months, as of today, since all of this started. Here's a before and after from the last 3 months. Yeah, I'm still a fat fuck. But I'm WAY LESS of a fat fuck than I used to be, and I'm continuing to lose weight every week. I've lost almost twice as much as my kid weighs! And while it's slowing down a little, it's definitely still going strong. None of my clothes fit anymore. Nothing I've purchased in the last 3 years, anyway. And roughly 3 years ago, I packed a ton of things that were too small into plastic bins for "when I lose weight". Yeah, those clothes? Most of THEM don't fit anymore, either! They're too big! That's the difference 65 pounds makes! But now I have to buy new clothes and I can't because I'm a broke college student that's also a recently-single dad. Oh well. I guess that's a pretty good problem to have!
So, for you.
This is the beginning.
This is how it starts. With the moment looking in the mirror. With the moment of realization: "I DON'T LIKE THIS." And, then, "so I'm going to CHANGE this."
And then you do.
And it sucks, and it takes time, and some days you move forward, and some days you move back, and it feels like a yoyo sometimes.
But you keep going.
And, after a month, you look at yourself in the mirror again.
And you're disappointed. Maybe even disgusted.
But you keep going.
And after two months, when you look in the mirror again, you shrug and go "Huh. Okay. This is actually starting to look a little different."
And then you keep going.
And then, three months later, you look in the mirror again.
And then you smirk.
And then you smile.
And then you can't stop smiling.
And then? You keep going, because you're committed to the change you started...
Congratulations on taking this first step. It's the hardest one. Some others will seem harder in the coming weeks/months. But this one, this first one, is the big one.
And you took it.
  1. Sometimes you just need a fucking catalyst. The biggest obstacle to getting started was my belief that I couldn't.
  2. Use an app like MyFitnessPal RELIGIOUSLY. Don't fail to log a SINGLE THING, even when you feel crappy about your calorie choices.
  3. Losing weight can sometimes go ridiculously fast, but be careful and check with a doctor as you go.
  4. Losing weight leads to good things, like lower blood pressure and cholesteral (and maybe reversing type-2 diabetes!), but can also lead to head rushes, dizziness, mild hallucinations, so listen to your body.
  5. OMAD can lead to nasty things like dumping syndrome. Again, listen to your body.
  6. Try some new foods. Start with things you like in them, even if they aren't as healthy. You'll be surprised how much your tastes change as you get healthier.
  7. You are going to be successful. It'll take time, but it'll work, and Enjoy yourself! It's going to suck at first, but things are going to be AMAZING in a month or two. You'll feel completely different, and you'll find that it's much easier to stick to things as time goes on.
I hope this helps someone. It sure as hell helped me. :-)
submitted by LiftThis to loseit [link] [comments]

My thoughts on the Pint, 1 year and 1k miles later

So, after my first 7 days of owning the Pint, I wrote about my thoughts on it, and felt like doing a follow up a year later. This is written for someone who is considering getting a OneWheel, but is still undecided.
If this turns into anything like last time, it's going to be quite long, so:

I'm still in love, and it still feels like magic every time I'm on it. As someone who had barely touched any board sport before, it was surprisingly easy to learn, so if you are thinking about getting one and are concerned about the learning curve, don't be. The only thing I am down on is the range, while it is usually higher than advertised, I'm going to be getting a XR as soon as I can afford it. But overall, it is an incredible piece of engineering that has blown me away.

I am someone who had barely touched a board sport before, most likely been on a skate/long board combined less than 10 times, but I've always had an interest in OneWheel since I saw the Kickstarter. Some time passed, and I saw an XR on my campus, remembered what OneWheels are, got curious on the price, and checked the website. Turns out, this was right after they announced the Pint. This was around the same time I was starting to plan my move out of the dorms, and when talking with my mom the topic of getting to class came up. While I was going to live near campus, I have an immune disease and she thought that having something that would allow me to get to class when I was tired/not feeling well enough to walk there would be nice. This led me to try out a Boosted Board (rip, you will be missed), and a XR. While I couldn't go more than three feet on the XR, I chose to preorder the Pint because I thought it would be more fun than a Boosted Mini after the learning curve.

My Experience
If you want to know what my first 7 days were like, head over to my first post (https://www.reddit.com/onewheel/comments/d0lkq1/7_days_with_the_pint_a_beginners_take/), but a tl:dr on that would be: tried it on grass first like OW says, was no good until tried it on pavement. Fell off a lot, but was able to ride home. Got addicted, went 77 miles.
So now, how about the other 358 days? Well, I ended up using way more than I thought. When buying it, I was concerned I was never really going to use it, but it turned into my daily commuter to class and the grocery store, at least until COVID hit. I still try to ride every day, especially since I am back up in Bellingham after spending several months with my parents in a place that wasn't that great of a place to ride. This allowed me to ride in most situations people will be in regarding terrain, and riding conditions, so let's talk about them.

- Pavement: This is the OneWheel's home, and where you'll probably spend the most time, so not surprisingly it handles it beautifully. The air filled tires makes it feel like floating above the ground. You really just have to lookout for bumps, holes, rough roads, etc. to reduce the risk of falling off. The real question for pavement is to ride on the road, or sidewalk. To me, this depends on the road. If the road is busy without a bike lane, then I'll ride on the sidewalk, but otherwise I try to stick with the roads.
- Gravel: It depends upon how much gravel there is. If a lot, like a gravel driveway, it can be slidey, and not great. But if there is less, like on a trail, it is a blast! More aggressive modes help with stability when riding on this stuff, so I would highly recommend Skyline (at least when starting). I was lucky enough to be able to ride on this stuff on a trail every day to get to class, and where I recently moved, I still need to do some light trail riding to avoid busy roads. I say lucky because this is where OneWheels are the most fun for me. I think it is because it shifts around, allowing you to slide a little, while hopefully maintaining control. For whatever reason, I highly recommend.
- Dirt: Similar to gravel, but depending on how packed it is dirt can be a lot like a bumpier pavement.
- Grass: I am not the biggest fan of riding on grass. Mainly because grass can hide holes that can send you flying off the board. This has happened to me multiple times, so I tend to avoid it when I can. Besides that, it is similar to packed dirt (when not wet), but requires more force to get the board moving. Why FM suggests learning the OW on grass is beyond me. Sure, falling off will hurt less than pavement, but you are wayyy more likely to fall off on grass when beginning than on pavement.
- Snow: It snowed a decent amount this year, so I decided to see how well the Pint handled it, and I was surprised! It accelerated and turned way better than I expected on the stock wheel, it just couldn't really stop lol. Highly not recommended.

- Sunny: It's sunny, of course it will work just fine!
-Cloudy: Can be a bit chilly, but overall, just like sunny.
- Rain: Now were talking. I live in one of the most northwestern cities in the continental United States. This not only means I'm like 30 minutes away from Canada at all times, but that it rains. A lot. Now, FM warns that the Pint is not waterproof (only resistant), and that they "recommend exercising caution with riding if there is rain," which is good advice in general. But, how does the Pint handle rain? Very well. For the most part it felt just like it does when it is cloudy on the pavement, but I would avoid dirt and grass because, well, mud. There are definitely slippery parts, and depending on conditions the raindrops can sting when they hit your skin, so I agree with FM, ride with caution, but overall I was impressed. I would suggest getting some rain pants and a face covering of some sort. If you don’t, enjoy having soaked legs, and an extremely wet face.
- Wind: It's generally fine, but when the speeds pick up it can impact your riding. From the side blow trying to push you off, to the front gust trying to stop you (I have been stopped before), just be cautious and keep in mind that your range and top speed will drop.
- Hail: Just like rain, but oww.
- Snowing: When not sticking yet it is very similar to rain, but be very cautious, the road can, and will be very slippery at those temperatures. So, unless you must, avoid riding. When sticking, don't bother: see the snow section in terrain.
- Night: I know this isn't really a weather condition, but I feel like it belongs here. I personally think this is the best time to ride. I think it is because it is usually nice and cool, there are less people about, and the darkness makes you feel like you are going faster than in the day. Just be cautious though. You are going to be harder to see, even with the lights, and the front light is garage at lighting the path in front of you. Seriously, mwiz1000 commented on my past post saying that they tested the lights of the Pint vs the XR and it was 1/6th of the output. This makes seeing the road conditions in front of you a challenge, so try to ride on roads that you know when it is night.

Alright, now onto what I've found is good, mixed, and bad about the Pint in this time:
The Good:
- The Learning Curve: I was really impressed about how quickly I picked it up after a couple of tries, and from letting others try it I've generally gotten positive feedback. Those who have board sporting experience almost instantly pick it up, while the others, with help from an arm, can usually ride within 5-15 minutes. So way easier than expected.
- Acceleration: This thing feels quick off the line. Now you can't lean too far forward when starting or the motor won't be able to keep you up, then nosedive. I've done this multiple times, in front of traffic trying to cross the road... but once you find the sweet spot, you can just zip away.
- The Riding Experience: I don't think I've ever had a bad time riding this thing, it's just too fun! If I am ever stressed, depressed, or anxious about something, I can get on it and it usually helps me clear my mind and have fun.
- The Modes: Each mode kind of completely changes the board, which shocked me. Redwood feels loose and is the one I put on for new people to try. Pacific feels like the one most people will use. Not too loose, and decently quick. I'm always using Skyline for the tighter board feeling, plus it's the best off road. And then there is Elevate, the one I never use. It is just like a nose lifted Skyline for steep hills. I tried getting into using it, but it is a hassle changing modes since you must be stopped. If there was a way to just lift the nose while riding, I think that would be better.
- SimpleStop: Perfect for beginners, and the Pint. While I found the lift-heel method of getting off pretty easy on the XR, on the Pint it is a little harder since the board is narrower. Just being able to lean back to get off is fantastic.

The Mixed:
- Range: This is the best of the mixed. You see, Future Motion lied about the range. For me, and many others, the Pint range is not 6-8 miles, it is usually higher. Ok, so where I moved it's now 7.7 miles, but that is because of all the hills I have to go up and down to get anywhere from my house. If it was flat, it would be greater than 8 miles. So, if it's better than expected, why mixed? Well, it is just not enough for me anymore. I routinely get back at less than 10%, even 1% at times, and is frankly the largest reason I am going to be getting an XR out of college.
- Speed: 16mph sounds like a lot, but reaching that is almost impossible without fangs, and I’m not planning on getting them atm. The pushback is insane at the 14-15mph mark, and when I feel like I am pushing it to the top speed I get like 15.3mph. Again, doesn't sound too bad, and the max speed I've gone was 16.2, but just wished it was a little bit fastemore consistent.
- The Build: Now this one is strange because I praised it in my last post calling it a tank. And while that is still mostly true, several days ago the handle fell apart when I was trying to pick it up while on a grocery run. Why the handle is made completely of plastic, I have no idea. They should at least have a metal core in it. This is by far the worst built thing on it, and RIP your foot if it breaks when you are carrying it.

The Bad:
- The Front Light: As I said in the night portion, it is almost useless, and I have hit a pothole while riding because of it. Whenever I ride at night in a location that I don't know by heart, I can only look like 3ft in front to avoid holes or anything else. Holding my iPhone's flash up seriously gives me a better view. Garbage.
- Inconsistent Battery Percentage: Now this hasn't happened to me too much, but I have noticed it. For instance, I forgot to charge it one night, and I needed to get to an appointment. I checked the charge level and saw that it was around 35-40%, which would be enough to get me there. I decided to grab my charger, and head out. Less than a mile later, 10% warning, with no 20% warning before. Luckily, from then on out it was downhill, so I made it right when the battery died (literally ran out at the door). I get that battery percentage is hard to compute, but man was that ride stressful. This has happened a couple of times, but not as bad (i.e. goes from 20% to 10% extremely quickly sometimes).
- Bluetooth: My god, this is one of the worst devices when it comes to Bluetooth I've ever owned. You can be three feet away and it won't connect. You can be standing on it and it struggles. Besides the front light, it is the worst thing about it. (Correction: Seems like this could be an issue with my specific Pint)

Random Thoughts:
- Is it Safe? Kind of? iPhonedo did an excellent job with his video about this topic: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ys3ivCUxIvY. I will say that it takes some time to get used to the board, and in that time, you will most likely fall off a lot. I personally can't count. Some will be small, but some can be big. I remember heading to a midterm, using the trail I normally ride on and I pushed it a little too hard. One moment I was riding, the next I was down with a pretty large welt on my knee. Worst. Midterm. Ever. But as you start to get a feel for the board, you'll recognize when/how to take back control, or bail if you have to so that this won't happen. Also, the board will have a harder time balancing you at lower battery percentages, so don’t push it when under 20%, and especially 10%.
- Everyone I've ever interacted with within the community has been awesome! Don't hesitate to ask a question, because they'll help you out if they can.
- The type of shoes you wear can be very important. From what I've used, AllBirds sadly aren't that grippy, normal Adidas are alright, but what I've found to work the best are Vans (crazy, I know) and surprisingly Vessi's. These shoes can make you feel like you are cemented to the board, which makes riding feel safer, at least for me.
- Get a Smartwatch: It doesn't have to be an Apple Watch, or a Galaxy Watch, or an Android Wear device, or a.. It just has to receive notifications. Why? Well, whenever OneWheels have 50%, 20%, and 10% battery left, it sends your phone a notification. Having that notification popup on your wrist is sooooooo much better than just on your phone when riding. So just get a secondhand Pebble if you must and only wear it when you ride.
- People Will Look at You: If you want to be incognito, don’t get a OneWheel. People will stare at you wondering what that thing you are on is, especially when there aren’t that many of them around. You will also be asked questions about it, like “what’s the range like,” or “what is that?” So be ready for them.
- dmar296 reminded me I forgot about the tire’s PSI. This can significantly affect the range, speed, and feel of the board, so try to maintain it.
- I want to go snowboarding now.

What can I say, the Pint is incredible. From mainly commuting with it pre-COVID, to using it just for a good time post, this one wheeled machine puts a smile on my face 99% of the time. The range is a little too short for my liking, and the speed seems a little too slow sometimes, but for $950 this thing is a no-brainer. Especially if you think you are going to use it every day, and if the range is long enough for you. If you can afford the XR and are primarily going to use a OneWheel as a commuter device, go for the XR, but for everyone else there is the Pint. Also, always wear at least a helmet every time you ride. OneWheels are fun, but safety comes first.
*Edits: Bluetooth problem might be with my Pint. Added to the gravel section. Removed double spaces (thanks Ubuntu TextEditor). Italicized Wind. Changed some words to make it flow better. Added tire pressure.
submitted by MrRicearonie to onewheel [link] [comments]

Buying a weighted blanket from Amazon was the worst decision I’ve ever made.

You’ve heard of them. They started as a tool to help calm autistic people and people with anxiety and insomnia. Over the past few years they’ve grown into a popular household item, and with good reason. They’re comforting.
We’d pay just about anything for some comfort. Do you ever notice how that’s most of what we spend our money on now, us single guys? Why do we constantly crave to be comforted?
My life wasn’t particularly uncomfortable. Not then. I had finally gotten back track with reality after the disappearance of my wife and kids two years ago. I’d sold our little house in the suburbs, gotten a cheap apartment close to my job, attended all the therapy appointments the police and caseworkers recommended, and gone back to work. I still couldn’t sleep for more than an hour or two a night, even with the medications they gave me, but that was okay. The worst of it was over. Shock and grief can only last so long.
I got one anyway; ordered the thing off Amazon. In queen size, like all my bedding, even though my queen no longer slept in it.
It arrived ridiculously late. I’m a Prime member, and I selected the free two day shipping. But it at least had gotten there, so I didn’t send a complaint, despite the state it was in after its long journey - not in the familiar smiley cardboard box, but in a shapeless lump haphazardly placed halfway on my front doorstep, halfway in the parking lot. It had been clumsily wrapped in brown paper and tied with a string, and possibly kicked the whole way here, from the look of it.
“It’s like a quaint, rustic thing,” I announced (to nobody in particular) as I dragged it into my apartment. “A present from grandma, back home, uh, on the ranch!”
But even talking to myself couldn’t convince me. It looked like a bomb, delivered straight off the set of an action movie. The package was beaten up, stained, and the rough jute string was frayed and nearly falling apart. It looked singed in several places, too. It took me two hours, three gin and tonics, and a hearty microwave dinner to work up enough courage (or suicidal depression) to actually open the thing.
The blanket was bundled into a poorly-folded cube, held together by another length of the same string that had bound the paper. I wasn’t impressed with its packaging, but the blanket itself looked alright - plush, quilted blue microfiber with thick seams - and felt like it was the right weight. It smelled normal; you know that clean but vaguely chemical-ish odor new blankets have.
I checked the tag, wondering if I ought to clean it, but the ink was smeared and blurry. It seemed risky to throw it in the washing machine without knowing the correct settings to use, so I just threw it over my duvet and went about my business.
At around midnight I decided to give it a try. I had nothing left to lose; I’d spent hundreds of dollars on my bed over the past few months; the newest and best quality memory-foam adjustable cooling mattress, thousand count Egyptian cotton sheets, customizable-filling pillows, and none of it had brought me a single good night’s sleep. Honestly I expected the same to happen that night, but it was fun to pretend.
I slid between the cool sheets and pulled the blankets up over me. The new blanket was a bit lumpy, but I knew from reading reviews that this was normal due to shipping, and would smooth out over time. The weight was immediately noticeable, and to my surprise, I felt...comforted.
When I closed my eyes, I imagined my youngest two had crawled into bed with us, and were laying on top of me, suppressing giggles as they tried not to wake me up. An artfully folded section of the blanket at my back became the familiar bulk of my wife beside me, and when I opened my eyes again it was ten in the morning and I was late for work.
I’ve never been so thrilled to receive a write-up.
That weird chemical smell didn’t really fade, though, and gradually it became more noticeable. By the end of the week I could smell (or imagined I could) the strange, neutral odor on my skin, even after a shower. By the end of the month, it had become unbearable.
I took it to a dry cleaners, thinking that I’d been lazy because I was so enamored over my renewed relationship with sleep. I was ready for the elderly Korean woman behind the counter to judge me over the stink. I had my excuses rehearsed; work was crazy, I’d had it in my car and forgotten, and I’d had Indian food for lunch and forgotten the leftovers in my car over the weekend, which had amplified the smell.
But I didn’t have a chance to recite this story. She only waved a handheld metal detector over my blanket and said, “Filling wrong. Can’t clean. Try spray with Fabreeze! You can get on Amazon!”
I couldn’t imagine what about the filling could be wrong, and I told her so. Sure it was still a bit clumpy from shipping, but Amazon had listed the filler as polypropylene, and all the reviews recommended dry-cleaning.
“Metal,” she explained, then shooed me out the door with twenty pounds of smelly quilt in my arms.
Another month of beautiful, comfortable sleep went by before I couldn’t live with the smell anymore. People had begun to comment on it at work. Megan, my manager, had tactfully suggested I check my laundry machine to see if maybe a rat had gotten in there and died or something. That was my last straw.
I came home determined to get rid of the blanket and buy a new one. But you know what happens when you lose your entire world, with no answers? You start to cling to things. You hoard them. Because you can’t lose the comfort they bring you.
I tried six dry cleaners before I found one who spoke enough English (through a heavy Boston accent; but you can’t have everything) to explain it to me.
“Sometimes they fill these with glass beads,” he said. “The factories that make the beads, they‘ll lose a screw or some metal filings in the batch, and it all goes into the blanket. Machines in factories, you get me? Yeah, so what you can do is cut the seam a little and dump the balls into a bucket or the bathtub or something. Throw the blanket in the wash, hang it up to dry. Then you just pour ‘em back in and sew it up.”
I told him I didn’t know how to sew.
“You can get a funnel off Amazon for a few bucks,” he said, and shrugged at me in a particularly apathetic sort of way before turning back to a pile of stained panties.
I did exactly that. They took a week to ship it, which was annoying, but it was a bank holiday that Monday so the delay made sense.
Armed with my funnel and a bucket, I pulled the edge of the blanket over the bed and cut a tiny hole into the seam near the corner. I expected the beads to come pouring out in a clattery flood as soon as I dropped the corner into the bucket. Instead there was a single, loud thump as a lump of something metallic hit the plastic.
I peered into it and saw a gold circle. A wedding ring with a fingerprint carved into it, and an inscription on the inside that I couldn’t see because a chunk of meat and bone were still inside it, but I knew what it said. It said “to love’s eternal glory”. It was my fingerprint on the band.
My mind went blank and I lost control of my legs, forcing me to sit heavily on the edge of my bed. The motion tugged the blanket over another few inches, and more of the filling came out. This wasn’t a flood, it was more of a...heave, like the blanket was vomiting up pieces of crumbling, dry flesh and bone. Like a cyst being squeezed, thick clumps of horribly recognizable stuff squirted out into the bucket. My oldest son’s teeth clattered loudly against the sides, and I saw flashes of silvery fillings from the cavities caused by gum disease he’d inherited from his mom.
There was a scrap of almost-bleached-white Hello Kitty band-aid wrapped around a tiny knuckle joint, and I remembered how my daughter had scraped her finger knocking loudly on her brother’s splintered bedroom door, and how she’d smiled through her tears when she saw the special, fun band-aid her daddy had put over the scratch.
I’d been sleeping for two months beneath the heavy weight of a thousand mummified pieces of my wife and children’s bodies.
The cops couldn’t trace the package, even though they tried. The security cameras in my apartment complex showed an unmarked brown van with no license plate, which dumped the package directly from the window onto my front step. There was nothing to track.
Amazon’s lawyers provided evidence proving they’d packed and shipped the correct (boxed and labeled) blanket. Let me be fair to them; I must say that they offered me a prompt refund.
In store credit.
But I won’t be buying anything off Amazon ever again. I’ve gotten rid of my Echo; that was the first thing I threw out, along with all my new bedding, and I canceled my Prime membership. Just for good measure, I threw out my smartphone and smartwatch as well. Amazon and smart technology are convenient and that’s great, but it’s not worth the risk if things like this can happen.
It’s the only possible explanation, after all - how else could they have found the bodies?
submitted by barkoholic to nosleep [link] [comments]

Apple Watch VS. Garmin Fenix 6x: My review and Comparison

I have seen a lot of posts of people considering switching to a Garmin from an Apple watch, and since my work is slow because of COVID, I thought I’d take some time to write a somewhat in-depth review and comparison. I am a former AW owner, who recently switched to the F6 after my AW broke. For this review, I will be referencing the AW3, along with the F6X. I will go over a few basic features that most people seem to have questions about, and will be using my own experiences to describe and compare. The features I will touch on will be: Battery life, Dimensions, Appearance, Durability, Workout metrics, ease of use, and customizations.
Lastly, I will add a disclaimer that I am not a paid, professional, or experienced reviewer, and this is my first review/comparison. I am doing this solely for informational purposes for my friends at garminfenix.
Battery Life:
Reported as 18 hours, but that is with no usage of notifications, activities, etc. When I owned one of these, I would leave my house with a full charge, get notifications (texts, calls, etc) throughout the day, complete an activity, and by bedtime, I would be around 20% battery, and would have to charge it.
can go up to 120 days on ultratrac mode, but the more common usage that I have it optimized for, lasts about 2 weeks. With that battery usage, I average about 4-5 runs, and 1 cycling activity per week. It is also my everyday use watch, so it is on my wrist when I sleep to track my sleeping, and is constantly tracking my steps, calories, etc.
AW (42mm watch size)
The watch feels small, and it sometimes even felt too small. The fact that it was touchscreen made it even harder to use sometimes, because not all of us have styluses for fingers. I will go into a bit more detail about this issue when I discuss the Workout portion of this review. I also felt like the watch was very fragile, but it shocked me with its ability to occasionally take a hit.
When looking at the sizes of these two watches, it’s obvious that the F6x is much large than the AW, which probably leads most people to think that it’s bulky, cumbersome, and uncomfortable. Surprisingly, it is it not. Once you get used to having it on your wrist, it’s like a “barely there” feeling. There are two screens you can select with this model: gorilla glass, and sapphire. I chose gorilla glass because I like the all black look of it, but from what I understand, the sapphire has a clearer display.
AW has a very distinct look that most people recognize, but at times it can look a bit awkward. If someone has a large wrist, the AW looks like it is a kid’s toy. It is also strange because the AW is squared, and for some reason, never sat well on my wrist and seemed to shift a bit too much. Overall, the apple watch seems to be accepted as an everyday watch, even in professional work settings, as it has a lot of customizable bands that will go with any occasion.
This watch looks super sleek, but it can look bulky depending on your wrist. At times, I feel like I am wearing a G Shock, yet when I look down at it, I can see that it is not as bad as I think. It looks like a watch though, and I have gotten a lot of compliments about it. There are a variety of straps you can get for the F6X, but not as many as the AW.
This watch took a lot of beatings during the few years I had it. Doorways, attics for work, playing with the kids, and much more. I was surprised that it didn’t crack sooner than it did. I will say that the screen and the case did get quite a few scuffs with what seemed like minor bumps, and it was obvious that they were there. I also noticed that the silicone band that it came with tended to stretch over time, and I kept having to use different holes to get a good fit
I have only had this watch since March of this year, but it has seen its share of abuse from hitting doorways, bites from the dog, and a few drops. I have not seen a single scuff, dent, mark or scratch even through all of that. One thing I did notice on the F6X, is that the band tends to irritate the wrist a bit if it is worn too tight throughout the day.
Workout Metrics
While the apple watch had the functionality to do a lot of different workouts, there were a few that were either lacking in actual functionality, or missing all together. A basic run was easy, along with most basic activities that a typical weekend warrior would go through. I will give AW the advantage on the usage of Apps for working out. There were quite a few apps that you can install on the watch that would allow you to do different workouts from specific cycling metrics, to weight room training, and CrossFit WOD timers. However, AW lacked in-depth data and workout analysis, and left me always wanting more info about my run. For example, in a run, it would provide distance, time, average pace, best pace, HR info, a map of the run, and Mile splits. However, it would lack some of the data that experienced runners use to improve themselves like VO2 max, threshold, recovery time, GCT, and much more.
Additionally, using the watch during a run was a pain, since it was all touch screen. If I wanted to go to a different data field, I usually had to slow down to make sure I didn’t hit the wrong button. It would also be hard to press the screen if it has sweat or any moisture on it, since it would affect the touch functionality
The F6X had everything the AW had, plus so much more. This is really a simple comparison, and it shows that Garmin is a true workout watch company, and not a tech company making smartwatches. Pairing the F6X with the HRMTRI, will give you data like vertical oscillation, and more accurate heart rate data including zones, and VO2. One thing I love about the F6X, is that it shows you what is called “performance conditioning” which is a basic breakdown of where your level of performance is, based on your previous workouts. It also shows your recovery time, and what effect your run had on your training (tempo, recovery, load, etc.)
Ease of Use/Customizations
This watch is very simple to use, and follows the iPhones user friendly interface. It is an easy setup with the AW app, and can easily install apps and watch faces. Navigating the day to the functions of the watch are also simple as you can access all your apps in one place, and you can easily change the watch face with a press of your finger.
I have never tried to pair any accessories (HRM, etc.) with the AW, so I do not know how easily or difficult it is to complete that.
This is the one area that I feel Garmin can improve in. However, I understand why they are not as easy to use as the AW: they are not a smartwatch company, and the F6x is not designed to be an everyday smartwatch.
There are a lot of widgets, hot buttons, and watch faces for the F6X, but they take a few steps to get them set up. It is not overly complicated, but it’s also not as easy as the AW. The ConnectIQ store has probably thousands of customizations from watch faces, to widgets, workout metrics, weather apps, and tweaks. It can at times be difficult to navigate, as there is no way to do any type of advanced filter during the search, so it can be a bit time consuming. I personally don’t use many customizations, because I love the way the watch looks on its own.
I hope this helped someone decide on whether they will choose AW or Garmin. I tried to stay as partial as possible, as I am a big fan of BOTH companies. If anyone else wants to add, correct, or give their own thoughts on whatever I wrote here, please DM or comment so we can all learn together!
submitted by JPxfit to GarminFenix [link] [comments]

What phones and laptops I've used in my life, and how I finally become a fan of Apple

This post is a recap of how I got involved in the Internet and IT, what phones and laptops I’ve used, and gradually replaced them to the Apple ecosystem, and me becoming a fan of Apple.
As a former fan of Android and Windows (not that I hate them now, I just like Apple ecosystem over them now), I wanted to give my two cents about the things that Apple does better than others, and share my story of becoming a fan of Apple.
This is not a thorough analysis. Rather, my personal story of how Apple ultimately satisfied my needs regarding IT devices.

My early experience with Apple

When I was a kid, my grandpa had an iMac. And I vaguely remember goofing around with it few times, but nothing serious.
Around 2010, my mom got an iPhone 3GS. It was the first iPhone released in South Korea. And it was really revolutionary. Even to the eyes of 10-year-old me. It showed the Internet and played videos and shit. In a handheld device. It was like a fucking magic.
In 2011, when I was 11, I got a chance to get a first smart device. A tablet PC, to be exact. I contemplated my choice between iPad and Galaxy Tab 10.1. My little brother, who was already an Apple fan back then and have already bought iPod shuffle 4th (to lose it about a week later lol), insisted I get an iPad. But I chose Galaxy Tab 10.1. It was not that I didn’t like Apple (at least) back then. I think I was just more inclined to Galaxy Tab 10.1 because it’s Samsung, the company of my country. It was not like I compared specs and benchmarks. Anyway, I really loved it, because it played videos lol. I watched hours of YouTube videos with my Galaxy Tab (and stumbled upon the first porn. It was a Japanese AV, with a doctor dogging a nurse. You know, back in the wild days of YouTube. I was kinda shocked because I really didn’t have a knowledge about these stuffs back then, and couldn’t get my head around why he was sticking a penis in the bum. I just wanted see some tits).

Smartphones I’ve used

Blackberry Q10 (2015 Aug-2016 Aug)

The first smartphone I got was a Blackberry Q10 (It was not my first smartphone, per se. But it wasn’t a really serious or major smartphone player in the market, so I will skip the previous one). My little brother was fascinated, and so was I, with Blackberry because they got a whole damn QWERTY keyboard in a phone, and it was fucking awesome. So we both got a Blackberry Q10.
It was a quite decent device, IMO. I really loved the keypad. Though, the lack of app ecosystem was a huge blow. I didn’t really have a game to play with a Blackberry.

Nexus 6P (2016 Aug-2018 Jun)

It was just about the time that I really wanted to try either Android and Apple, two serious players in the smartphone market.
At the time, Android had a tech-savvy impression for me. That was what I was looking for. On the other hand, Apple was just an overpriced, and not-so-tech-savvy option to me. My logic was powerful customizability == tech-savvy. It was back in the day when the jailbreak was still a thing, and I thought, "Why would you need to go through so much hassle just to tweak some stuffs?" So, the choice was obvious. Android.
I originally considered getting Samsung Galaxy, but I really loved the idea of having a pure Android phone. So I chose Nexus 6P.
I really loved it. It was snappy and beautiful. And I loved the customizability of Android. I liked tweaking stuff, and Android was just the right OS for me.

iPhone 7 (2018 Jun-2018 Sep)

I’ve been using Nexus 6P without an issue (although I could feel it was getting slower), but one day in Jun 2018, I dropped it and it shattered. It wouldn’t turn on. It was not a serious problem though, since I’ve using cloud to backup important stuffs like photos. That’s when I got a first Apple device. iPhone 7.
My brother, who’s been a fan of Apple already, had a spare iPhone 7. Although I still thought Apple was overpriced, but if I’m not going to pay for it, it really doesn’t matter, right? And I also wanted try Apple to, so I gladly changed to iPhone 7.
At first, I was kinda worried that I wouldn’t be able to get used to iOS. But it wasn’t. iOS, compared to Android, was more simple and unified. Although not as customizable as Android, it didn’t bother me much. I just didn’t need to.
While using iPhone 7 for about three months, my impression on Apple changed. From an overpriced phone to a phone with a decent OS.

Galaxy A8 Star (2018 Sep-2019 Oct)

My little brother, the original owner of the iPhone 7 I was using, needed it back. So I had to change a phone again. So why didn’t I change to iPhone 8, you might ask. Well, it was mainly because of an app called Kanji Study developed by Chase Colburn. Seriously, it’s damn impressive. It’s the best app you can find for studying Japanese. I loved it so much that I became a volunteer translator for Korean of that app. Unfortunately, iOS version of the app was few more years behind than the Android version as the developer was focusing on Android. Besides, I also wanted to try Samsung phone too.
So that’s what I got. Galaxy A8 Star. Although not on the flagship lineup (such as S series or note series), it was a really powerful device, positioned right below the flagship lineup. And Samsung did a great job of polishing Android too. I was quite satisfied.

iPhone 11 (2019 Oct-)

In 2019, I started to consider iPhone as my next smartphone, and I waited until iPhone 11 was released in South Korea, and bought it right away. And I can’t be more satisfied choosing an iPhone. My positive experience with iPhone 11 made me seriously go into Apple ecosystem.
So why did I finally decide to switch to iPhone again after all these 4 years? Few factors played into this.

1. Apollo App

I’ve been using reddit since 2017, but I only came across with the existence of Apollo app in early 2019. From the descriptions and appraise from the users who’ve used the app, it really seemed like a decent app. At this point, I already have been browsing reddit quite a lot everyday, so I really wanted to experience a decent reddit app. Although the official reddit app was quite great, I really wanted to know what the fuss for Apollo app was about.

2. Apple Pay

Having visited Japan before, I’ve already experienced how fast and convenient Suica card is. Seriously, you barely swing it around the reader and it’s done. And almost every vending machine and convenience store accepts Suica. As I was having a plan to visit my friend in Japan in late 2019, I really wanted to use Suica with my phone. Unfortunately, for Android devices, Suica is generally only supported by Japan-specific models due to licensing issues. On the other hand, iPhone supports Suica on every model, starting from iPhone 8. So if I wanted to use Suica with my phone, I had to get an iPhone.

3. Updates

This is the point where I was quite disappointed with Android. Even though Samsung being a major manufacturer in Android, it took about a year to get an Android 9 update on my phone (Android 9 was released in Aug 2018, and Samsung rolled out update to Galaxy A8 Star in Jun 2019). Seriously, a year? I could’ve gotten a Google phone. But Google discontinued Nexus series at this pointed and launched Pixel series, and I didn’t like Pixel series much.
On the other hand, Apple was known for releasing updates quite frequently, and providing updates for devices released more than 3 years ago. Apple began to seem like a really attractive option for me.

4. Pre-installed Apps

This is the another point I was disappointed with Android. Frankly, compared to iOS, pre-installed apps from Android, Google or Samsung, was lacking in quality-wise. Having used iPhone 7, I began to miss the simple, beautiful, yet powerful pre-installed apps, such as fitness tracking and photo. Google and Samsung apps did the job too, but overall experience wasn’t as satisfying as Apple apps.

5. OS

This is the point I become to like Apple. Apple seems have more unifying language around the iOS. Experience is consistent and expectable. Design is unified across the apps. Android was more fragmentized. Design and experience differs across the apps. I’m not saying that being fragmentized is the bad thing. It was the reason I originally liked Android. But I realized I liked unified experience more.

Laptops I’ve used

Just like the case with phones, Mac was never an option for me. I’ve been growing up using Windows, and all the programs I needed was on Windows. Besides, I really didn’t have other Apple devices back then.

ASUS laptop (2016 Mar-2017 Mar)

As I went to the high school, I needed a laptop for school stuff like homework and such.
The first laptop I got was a cheap ASUS laptop around $300, which I can’t even remember the model name. It doesn’t really matter anyway as it didn’t really have a distinguishable model name. It was advertised as a budget gaming laptop.
It did the job, but it was clunky and super heavy (about 3 kilos), and it constantly made the fan noise, and it got really hot after the moderate usage. I needed more light and slick laptop.

Dell XPS 13 9360 (2017 Mar-2019 Feb)

I originally contemplated between MacBook Pro and XPS 13. I did my research, and hardware-wise, MacBook Pro was the top notch. Without considering OS, I wanted to get a MacBook Pro. But XPS 13 was also a very decent laptop, and was considered a "Mac killer". As I couldn’t picture myself using macOS. Bootcamp was not an option for me neither. So I chose XPS 13.
XPS 13 was fantastic. It was light, slick, and fast. I really loved the aluminum feeling of the machine. The coil noise bothered me though.

Surface Pro 6 (2019 Feb-2020 Jun)

In 2019 I went to a university. That meant I needed a note taking device. I didn't want to carry physical notes. When you can just take notes and have them in cloud, why would you need to carry physical notes, which are prone to damage and loss?
So, two options for me. iPad, or Surface Pro 6. My logic was "Why would you need to carry two devices (laptop and iPad) when you can use both of them in one device (Surface Pro 6)?" So I chose Surface Pro 6.
Surface Pro 6 was a really decent device to. It was lightweight, and Surface Pen was great. Though the heat when I use it as a note was quite bothering. I could feel it with my palm. And the edge of the device made my wrist sore.

MacBook Pro 13-inch 2017 (2020 Jul-)

Because of coronavirus, all classes this year was done online. It meant no need for note taking. No need for note taking meant that, Surface Pro 6 didn't have a real advantage over traditional laptops.
And after I bought my Apple Watch in April, I've become more fascinated with Apple ecosystem, and wanted to expand my experience with the ecosystem.
Windows 10 experience also pushed me into trying Mac too. It periodically acted up, and I spent lots of time fixing them, or formatting the whole machine (these experiences gave me deeper understanding in computers though). Installing IDEs such as PyCharm or Anaconda broke things in Windows 10. And most of all, fonts and overall aesthetic in Windows really sucked. It was like a dumpster fire. HiDPI was a half-assed feature. It worked on some, but didn't work that well. Oh yeah, CLI tools in Windows 10 suck too. At least not as good as in Linux or macOS.
And again, whole experience was too fragmentized. I wanted my laptop to work as is. When I got a new Windows laptop, what do I do first? Format the whole machine and do a clean install of Windows 10 because it's filled with useless craps from the manufacturer. I started to feel being tired of needing to tweak things constantly.
So as soon as my first semester this year ended, I got MacBook Pro 13-inch from my brother. And it's much better than Windows experience, at least for me. Things work as is, as I expected. Aesthetics are beautiful, and there are much less issues related to legacy support (e.g. file path length limit in Windows). Although macOS has its own learning curve, I adapted quickly. Having used Mac for about 3 weeks now, I wonder why I hadn't switched earlier.

My Current Apple Devices

Currently, I have four Apple devices.
And I really love them! Maybe after this corona thing calms down and I take offline classes again, I might get an iPad as well.

What do I love about Apple now

Now having used a phone, laptop, and smartwatch from Apple, there are few points I really love about Apple.

1. Simplicity

The design, and overall experience can’t be copied by other companies. In iOS, gesture controls are self-explanatory and intuitive.
This includes not only iOS and macOS, but their web pages too. Apple web pages are just astounding. It shows what their products are, and how these products are great for you. It’s simple yet holds all the information you need. On the other hand, Microsoft and Samsung webpages are too bloated and not simple enough, IMO.

2. Running smoothly out of box

This is what I really love about Apple. There is little to no need to tweak things. I can turn turn it on and get the things going with Apple devices.

3. Powerful ecosystem

This is what only Apple can do, IMO. Sure, Microsoft, Samsung, Google has their own share in their field. But when you see the whole thing, only Apple successfully deliver unified, powerful, and interconnected experience across every device: smartphone, laptop, OS, tablet PC, and smartwatch. Windows and Android has their own strength in their own field, but when it comes to using them all together, Apple really is convenient.

4. Aesthetics and unified experience

It’s just beautiful. They really care about the design. What I especially love about Apple is fonts. Their East Asian language support (for Korean and Japanese) is top notch. These default fonts are beautiful. And it’s unified across the whole Apple devices.
I also can expect my iPhone and MacBook work just the same anywhere in the world. I can just bring my iPhone and Apple Watch to Japan and use Suica right away. Apple making a single model to distribute to the whole world (it’s not the same model per se, as they slightly differ due to carrier support, but you get the point), really makes Apple unique. No one can deliver the unified experience across all devices and the whole world better than Apple does, IMO.

5. Updates

Apple provides update constantly, and for a long time. Apple also discontinues legacy techs when needed, like discontinuing 32-bit apps. I really appreciate it. I love that Apple can push and implement new technology this aggressive.
Man, the post is much longer than I thought it would be. I think about 2/3 of this post is just me changing phones and laptops lol. I just wanted to share my story of getting into Apple ecosystem, and why I become to love Apple and their products. Thanks for reading!
submitted by answer_forty_two to apple [link] [comments]

I'm sold.

So I've been a Android/WearOS watch user for quite a few years. My smart watch days started back with Samsung Galaxy Gear, moved to the LG Watch G, LG Watch R, Huawei Watch, LG Urbane 2nd Edition, LG Watch Sport, Casio Protrek F20, TicWatch Pro 4G, Kospet Prime (for fun), and then the Fossil Gen 5.
But I've been curious about Amazfit since the release of the GTR. The simple, clean, but refined look and stated battery life was amazing. However, I still couldn't bring myself to jumping from the WearOS platform. Until I saw the T-Rex. I'd always wanted something that was durable, that I could not worry about banging around. Basically hoping that a Casio G-Shock smartwatch would release at some point. So I patiently waited to see what people initially thought of the T-Rex. After a few misses on some sales, and lots of great reviews, I did it. I picked up a T-Rex in Black and one in Camo.
My thoughts? I'm sold!
Let me start by the initial reaction. The watch is VERY lightweight. While this was amazing and nice, I feared for it's durability. But recently I accidentally smacked it in to a metal door frame. After my initial frustration for being careless about potentially scuffing or scratching or damaging the watch (I'm very careful about my electronics), I rubbed the paint that had stuck to it off and after a few minutes, you can't even really tell where it got banged.
The next thing tat caught my eye was the rate at which it charged and it's battery life. I received the watch at probably around 50% battery life. I wanted to get on with testing that long battery life, so I juiced it up. Rather quickly. After a week of wearing the watch all day, every day, tracking heart, sleep, etc. I was still at 69% battery life. The only watch that could do that previously was the ticwatch, however it was already in it's extremely limited battery saving mode which just showed the time.
The app, menu, speed, setup, and most things with this watch are simple, easy to navigate and make sense (except for the regional settings). I'm also one that likes to have multiple chargers available, so I picked up a few extras of those, and my screen protectors just arrived today. I am also trying to get my hands on a charging stand for the watch. Might have to make my own though.
The only things I wish this watch did better was apps. Like google hangouts, and NFC payments. But Apple, Samsung, and Google have the market on NFC with most locations that it's difficult to get something else in there, but neither of those things are game changers.
All in all, I was so impressed, that I quickly got on the Amazfit X indiegogo campaign, and am also thinking about picking up a GTR at some point for a more refined look. I even got a friend who has a Fossil Gen 5 as well to try one out and he's now sold on the Amazfit T-Rex as well.
Alright, I'll finish my seemingly endless ramblings. I just wanted to post some praise and my experience with the Amazfit T-Rex thus far.
submitted by shepscrook to amazfit [link] [comments]

QUIZ: Ce tip de rodditor tanar, frumos si liber esti?

Disclaimer: nu sunt nici finantat de BOR, rusi, eXtReMa dReApTa, etc.
Daca va simtiti ofensati, pm me si aratati-mi pe papusa unde v-a atins postarea.
Fiecare chestie valoreaza 1 punct. Rezultatele sunt la final. Am folosit persoana a III-a pentru ca pula mea, nu stiu.
Profil complet al tanarului frumos, liber si progresist.

1. Aspect fizic:

2. Personalitate/social:

3. Convingeri politice:

4. Geopolitica:

5. Religie:

6. Stiinta/scepticism:

7. Educatie:

8. Finante/loc de munca:

0-20: CETATEAN MODEL - Felicitari! Probabil ca urasti SUA, Rusia, China si UE. Vrei ca Romania sa isi vada de dreptul la autodeterminare si sa se puna la punct cu o noua clasa politica. Probabil vrei sa fie taiate subventii, ajutoarele sociale luate cu susta si vrei sa ajunga la parnaie toti dementii care au futut tara. Ti se rupe de ce se intampla "afara" si in ciuda faptului ca nu aderi la ideile nationaliste, iti iubesti tara si vrei sa fii acasa, cu oamenii tai, fara a fi obligat sa ii stergi la cur pe altii. Ai o viziune neutra asupra lumii si nu vrei sa tragi concluzii pe baza mizeriilor regurgitate de catre toti "formatorii de opinie" (adica somerii) de pe Facebook. Stii ca tot ceea ce e pe social media e cancer propagandist. Salivacii, respiracii si trogloditii vor spune ca esti fanatic nationalist, dar nu te intereseaza, pentru ca tu oricum esti patriotul suprem, nu un nationalist. Esti un exemplu de urmat!
21-40: CETATEAN CU CONFLICTE INTERNE - In ciuda faptului ca suferi de niste biasuri emotionale, inca exista speranta. Citeste o carte de istorie, formeaza-ti singur opiniile pe baza realitatii in care traim si nu pe baza realitatii alternative care este prezentata online de catre agentiile de presa, formatori de opinie, etc. Esti pe drumul cel bun.
41-70: SALIVAC VESTIC - Iti place tot ceea ce-ti ofera Vestul. Urmaresti trusturi "apolitice" si ai impresia ca o tara ca afara e ceva bun. Ignori statisticile cand sunt in defavoarea opiniilor tale. Consideri ca romanii sunt inapoiati din varii motive care nu coincid cu tine ideologic. Iti place sa te faci remarcat pe internet cu opinii caustice si te simti protejat in spatele tastaturii. Crezi neironic ca exista extrema dreapta. Uiti ca in Franta oamenii de culoare incendiaza masini de Anul Nou, pentru ca "asa e traditia lor" si pui botul cand presa iti explica ca ar avea vreo conotatie istorica importanta, nicidecum nu e comportament primitiv.
71-100: RESPIRAC PROGRESIST - Esti la prima faza a evolutiei catre Noul Om. Iti place sa consumi. Toata viata ta inseamna sa mergi sa lucrezi, cariera, consum si cat mai mult entertainment. Consideri ca granitele, imbogatirea culturala si spirituala sunt snobisme si gasesti pseudointelectualisme pentru a justifica stilul tau de viata anost si plin de nihilism. Singurul lucru care iti ofera vreun scop e lustruirea penisului taurului care va veni la noapte la sotia ta, in speranta ca-ti va cumpara un Nintendo Switch.
101+: TROGLODIT DRONAT - Noul Om. Ascensiune. Viitor. Felicitari. Viata ta e o depresie continua. Depresie, anxietate, probleme de sanatate, parade, mancare proasta. Esti cu sanatatea la pamant, din punct de vedere moral esti praf. Iti place iluzia pe care ti-o hranesti in VR, alaturi de alti oameni care nu mai vor sa iasa din casa, de la locul de munca. Ai o viata lejera de drona si nu mai ai nevoie de nimic. Sotia iti va fi fututa, mancarea iti va fi adusa, totul va fi bine. Nu ti s-a mai sculat de la Marea Reforma Europeana, dar nu conteaza. Ai salvat vieti de culoare carora nu le pasa de tara pe care tu cu cei de la Demos le-ati lasat-o. Rata criminalitatii e la cote alarmante, dar ai facut dreptate online. Natalitatea e praf, dar ai vrut oricum diversitate. Rata divorturilor e 99%, dar nu conteaza, pentru ca oricum nu ai vrut o familie. Relativism moral. Totul e permis. Cineva de pe Vice a incercat s-o ia in cur cu un instrument nou, ca sa nu trebuiasca s-o faci tu, dar stii ca vrei s-o faci...
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do g shock do a smartwatch video

Top 10 Smartwatch - Best Smartwatches you can buy right ... Como Ajustar o Ponteiro com o Digital do Relogio G-SHOCK ... História do Casio G-Shock - YouTube Casio Pro Trek WSD-F21HR, Do I Need A GPS Smartwatch ... Casio G-Shock iPhone-Friendly Smartwatch Hands-on  Pocketnow Como Ajustar a hora do G Shock Casio Replica - YouTube

Phone makers and start-ups were the first to attempt the modern smartwatch. Then, even more tech companies as well as a trickle of high-end watch makers, testing the water to see if their ... G-Shock watches with GPS timekeeping can automatically sync the time once per day. The following are current G-Shock models with this feature. G-SQUAD GBD-H1000: The GBD-H1000 is the most recent G-Shock model with GPS timekeeping, and it is also G-Shock’s first major fitness smartwatch that is designed for runners. The GBD-H1000 also has useful outdoor sensors such as an altimeter, barometer, compass, and thermometer, as well as a step tracker. The GBD-H1000 also has a route tracking ... O modelo de base é o DW-5600 quadrado, cujo formato e coloração escura remete à aparência do G-SHOCK original. A face desse modelo é preta e dourada, como nos adesivos de numeração encontrados nos bonés de beisebol da marca 59FIFTY®. A deposição da face espelhada combina com o acabamento em preto fosco destacando ainda mais a cor dourada. A parte de trás tem o logotipo da NEW ERA ... G-SHOCK shock resistant military and tactical watches with outstanding water resistant features. Some models count with Bluetooth connected technology and atomic timekeeping. Next-generation watch that links with a smartphone - [Bluetooth(R) v4.0 Smart G-SHOCK] - Notifies the watch when a call or mail is received by the smartphone, automatic time adjustment via the smartphone. Comparado a qualquer outro smartwatch, ... Então, se você quer essa experiência clássica do G-Shock digital, mas deseja alguns recursos inteligentes e o rastreamento de execução, ele atinge ... G-Shock é um relógio de alta resistência que não vai se quebrar enquanto praticamos um esporte, mesmo se deixar cair ou sofrer qualquer acidente do cotidiano. Por ser um relógio que pode te acompanhar em qualquer situação, G-Shock acabou se ligando a grupos como esportistas, admiradores de cultura urbana entre outros, o que faz com que o público se conecte com a marca e também escolha ... This year G-shock is going to release the most awaited model of G-Shock SmartWatch 2020. This watch is going to be the first of its kind to provide every feature for its fans and is going to live up to all the expectations. This smartwatch is a delightful combination of toughness, utility, and technology. The trademark toughness and durability of G- the shock has blended superbly with the feature-loaded watch. Work on the smartwatch comes at the same time design and materials used in the G-Shock range are also changing, but the principles that make a G-Shock a G-Shock watch — supreme toughness — are ... r/gshock: #A subreddit dedicated to Casio G-Shock watches. Press J to jump to the feed. Press question mark to learn the rest of the keyboard shortcuts

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Top 10 Smartwatch - Best Smartwatches you can buy right ...

Site Acesse Aqui: http://www.xmultmix.com.br e Para receber as novidades, promoções e participar do Grande Sorteio de um G Shock Basta se cadastrar no Link A... Support my channel when you shop on Amazon: https://amzn.to/38h3Fka Living Survival: http://goo.gl/qH40Hc Second Channel: https://goo.gl/wQE3R2 Facebook: htt... Watch our hands-on video of Casio's new G-Shock GB6900 Bluetooth 4.0 watch that allows you to control certain features of the iPhone 5 and iPhone 4S. All this as part of our CES 2013 coverage ... Top 10 Smartwatch - Best Smartwatches you can buy right now! ️ View Latest Chigz Tech Charts: www.chigztech.com/charts.html #BestSmartwatch2019 #Top10Smartw... Nesse vídeo falamos um pouco sobre a história desse ícone, o G-Shock! Contamos também um pouco da nossa relação com esses modelos. Galera essa foi uma iniciativa da Loja Lapso Pensando em Você. Duvidas , Sugestões ou Compras do G-shock .So acessar os canais abaixo :Facebook http://goo....

do g shock do a smartwatch

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