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Examples of High Quality Journalism

A few days ago I read a comment in the CW thread about how we should proactively share good journalism to [basically] counteract increasing availability bias from the low quality journalism that is now common. I agree. Some of the most interesting and moving pieces I've ever read are articles by journalists.
I'm going to share a few of my favorites below, and explain a bit why I like them, expanding on my post in the bare link repository in the CW thread. Hopefully this lets you get a pretty good idea of whether you'll like the article or not quickly.
Please share your favorites as well.
ProPublica: Fight The Ship: Death and Valor on a warship doomed by its own Navy
A little after 1:30 a.m. on June 17, 2017, Alexander Vaughan tumbled from his bunk onto the floor of his sleeping quarters on board the Navy destroyer USS Fitzgerald. The shock of cold, salty water snapped him awake. He struggled to his feet and felt a torrent rushing past his thighs.
She shouted the command to Womack to pass on to the helmsman. But Womack did not immediately understand her order. After Womack hesitated, Coppock decided that she was not going to clear the Crystal by going toward the right. Such a turn would put her on a possible collision with the Wan Hai 266.
“Oh shit, I’m so fucked! I’m so fucked!" she screamed.
The sailors rescued one another. They grabbed shipmates from their beds. They hauled them through surging water, slipping, stumbling toward exits. They pushed one another to survive.
It was Khalil Legier’s first night in Berthing 2, having moved earlier that day from another quarters. He rolled out of his bunk — bottom rack, port side, second row — and into the bottom rack across the aisle before standing up. Scott Childers was behind him but seemed frozen, unable to move. Legier grabbed Childers by the neck, and with his other hand grabbed the shirt of the sailor in front him. They started out for the exit as a threesome.
In another setting, the sudden inundation might have drowned everyone alive. But the sailors had been trained since their first days on the Fitzgerald to escape by putting on blindfolds and feeling their way to the exits.
Ogilvie sat down to smoke a cigar beneath a missile. Lighting up beneath hundreds of gallons of jet fuel broke all kinds of rules, not to mention common sense.
It just didn’t seem to matter much at the moment.
A well-written story, supported by excellent visualizations and thorough research and interviews. The amount of detail is just right and there's plenty of thrill. The compounding problems, oversights, and negligence of Navy officers is unexpected in its depth.
BuzzFeed's Gregory Johnson: 60 Words And A War Without End: The Untold Story Of The Most Dangerous Sentence In U.S. History
In the span of a few hours, the U.S. had launched a pair of raids — one successful and one not — 3,000 miles apart, in countries with which the nation was not at war. Hardly anyone noticed.
More than a dozen years after the Sept. 11 attacks, this is what America’s war looks like, silent strikes and shadowy raids. The Congressional Research Service, an analytical branch of the Library of Congress, recently said that it had located at least 30 similar occurrences, although the number of covert actions is likely many times higher with drones strikes and other secret operations. The remarkable has become regular.
The White House said that the operations in both Libya and Somalia drew their authority from the Authorization for the Use of Military Force, a 12-year-old piece of legislation that was drafted in the hours after the Sept. 11 attacks. At the heart of the AUMF is a single 60-word sentence, which has formed the legal foundation for nearly every counterterrorism operation the U.S. has conducted since Sept. 11, from Guantanamo Bay and drone strikes to secret renditions and SEAL raids. Everything rests on those 60 words.
Unbound by time and unlimited by geography, the sentence has been stretched and expanded over the past decade, sprouting new meanings and interpretations as two successive administrations have each attempted to keep pace with an evolving threat while simultaneously maintaining the security of the homeland. In the process, what was initially thought to authorize force against al-Qaeda and the Taliban in Afghanistan has now been used to justify operations in several countries across multiple continents and, at least theoretically, could allow the president — any president — to strike anywhere at anytime. What was written in a few days of fear has now come to govern years of action.
Rev. Jane Holmes Dixon opened the service with a short reading and a prayer. The next speaker, Nathan Baxter, a third-generation priest and dean of the cathedral, held to a similar script, reading from Jeremiah 31:15: “A voice is heard in Ramah, lamenting and bitter weeping, Rachel is weeping for her children and she refuses to be comforted because they are no more.”
The tall African-American priest paused briefly to look out across the darkened cathedral as he moved from Jeremiah’s words to his own. “Now let us seek that assurance in prayer,” he said in a slow, deliberate baritone. “That as we act we not become the evil we deplore.”
That’s it, Lee thought from her seat. For much of the past 24 hours, she had been looking for a reason to vote no. In her heart she knew that was the right vote, but she hadn’t been able to articulate why. Baxter’s words did it for her: “As we act, let us not become the evil we deplore.”
Lee came to the podium seven minutes later. “I rise today, really, with a very heavy heart,” she said as emotion cracked her voice. Then, from the well of the U.S. House of Representatives, she started to cry. The mother of two boys, who had agonized and prayed over her vote, Lee jostled the microphone and tugged nervously at the lapels of her jacket as she struggled to regain control. A pair of deep breaths helped.
“However difficult this vote may be,” she said, her voice steady once more, “some of us must urge the use of restraint. Our country is in a state of mourning. Some of us must say, 'Let’s step back for a moment, let’s just pause, just for a minute, and think through the implications of our actions today so that this does not spiral out of control.'” Lee closed her brief remarks with Baxter’s line, the one that had convinced her to vote her heart. “As we act,” she said. “Let us not become the evil we deplore.”
An incredible look at the 2001 AUMF and its ramifications for world conflict and military action. Probably the single most influential bill in the war on terror besides perhaps the Patriot Act. And the amazing courage of Barbara Lee, to be the only House Representative to vote no on the bill.
Gene Weingarten's Fatal Distraction: Forgetting a Child in the Backseat of a Car Is a Horrifying Mistake. Is It a Crime?.
Content warning: Discussion of children dying. I don't have kids, and this article is hard for me to read. You have been warned.
Witnesses spoke softly of events so painful that many lost their composure. When a hospital emergency room nurse described how the defendant had behaved after the police first brought him in, she wept. He was virtually catatonic, she remembered, his eyes shut tight, rocking back and forth, locked away in some unfathomable private torment. He would not speak at all for the longest time, not until the nurse sank down beside him and held his hand. It was only then that the patient began to open up, and what he said was that he didn’t want any sedation, that he didn’t deserve a respite from pain, that he wanted to feel it all, and then to die.
The charge in the courtroom was manslaughter, brought by the Commonwealth of Virginia. No significant facts were in dispute. Miles Harrison, 49, was an amiable person, a diligent businessman and a doting, conscientious father until the day last summer -- beset by problems at work, making call after call on his cellphone -- he forgot to drop his son, Chase, at day care. The toddler slowly sweltered to death, strapped into a car seat for nearly nine hours in an office parking lot in Herndon in the blistering heat of July. It was an inexplicable, inexcusable mistake, but was it a crime? That was the question for a judge to decide.
“Death by hyperthermia” is the official designation. When it happens to young children, the facts are often the same: An otherwise loving and attentive parent one day gets busy, or distracted, or upset, or confused by a change in his or her daily routine, and just... forgets a child is in the car. It happens that way somewhere in the United States 15 to 25 times a year, parceled out through the spring, summer and early fall.
There may be no act of human failing that more fundamentally challenges our society’s views about crime, punishment, justice and mercy. According to statistics compiled by a national childs’ safety advocacy group, in about 40 percent of cases authorities examine the evidence, determine that the child’s death was a terrible accident -- a mistake of memory that delivers a lifelong sentence of guilt far greater than any a judge or jury could mete out -- and file no charges. In the other 60 percent of the cases, parsing essentially identical facts and applying them to essentially identical laws, authorities decide that the negligence was so great and the injury so grievous that it must be called a felony, and it must be aggressively pursued.
There is no consistent character profile of the parent who does this to his or her child. The 13 who were interviewed for this story include the introverted and extroverted; the sweet, the sullen, the stoic and the terribly fragile. None of those descriptions exactly fits Lyn Balfour, a 37-year-old Army reservist who has served in combat zones and who seems to remain -- at least on the subject of the death of her son -- in battle.
The tape is unendurable. Mostly, you hear a woman’s voice, tense but precise, explaining to a police dispatcher what she is seeing. Initially, there’s nothing in the background. Then Balfour howls at the top of her lungs, “OH, MY GOD, NOOOO!”
Then, for a few seconds, nothing.
Then a deafening shriek: “NO, NO, PLEASE, NO!!!”
Three more seconds, then:
What is happening is that Balfour is administering CPR. At that moment, she recalls, she felt like two people occupying one body: Lyn, the crisply efficient certified combat lifesaver, and Lyn, the incompetent mother who would never again know happiness. Breathe, compress, breathe, compress. Each time that she came up for air, she lost it. Then, back to the patient.
After hearing this tape, the jury deliberated for all of 90 minutes, including time for lunch. The not-guilty verdict was unanimous.
An incredibly well-written (Pulitzer Prize winning) treatment of parents who forget their children in cars. I can't imagine how difficult it must have been to interview and hear the details of so many of these parents and children. I recall a philosophy professor once making a comment about how only the worst parent could leave their child in a car (or something to that effect) and I emailed him this story after the class. He changed his mind. By the way, you can find the tape/clips of the tape by Googling. It is horrifying and really sets the impact.
NYT's John Branch: Deliverance from 27,000 Feet (previous link is archive, doesn't have pics, this link is the NYT official article, has pics, but requires a (free, no subscription needed) online account)
Five Sherpas surrounded the frozen corpse. They swung axes at the body’s edges, trying to pry it from its icy tomb. They knocked chunks of snow from the body, and the shattered pieces skittered down the mountain. When they finally freed a leg and lifted it, the entire stiff and contorted body shifted, down to its fingertips.
The man’s name was Goutam Ghosh, and the last time anyone saw him alive was on the evening of May 21, 2016, when it was obvious that he would become another fatality statistic, soon frozen and as inanimate as the boulders around him. Ghosh was a 50-year-old police officer from Kolkata, part of a doomed eight-person expedition — four climbers from the Indian state of West Bengal and four Sherpa guides from Nepal — that ran out of time and oxygen near the top of Everest. The four Bengali climbers were eventually abandoned by their guides and left to die. Three did; only one, a 42-year-old woman named Sunita Hazra, survived, as did the guides.
At the time of the tragedy, the climbing season for Everest was almost over. On their way to the summit over the next two nights, the last two dozen of the year’s climbers had come upon Ghosh’s rigid corpse on a steep section of rock and ice. To get around him, climbers and their guides, sucking oxygen through masks and double-clipped to a rope for safety, stripped off their puffy mittens. They untethered the clips one at a time, stepped over and reached around Ghosh’s body, and clipped themselves to the rope above him.
Most of the bodies are far out of sight. Some have been moved, dumped over cliffs or into crevasses at the behest of families bothered that their loved ones were someone else’s landmark or at the direction of Nepali officials who worry that the sight of dead bodies hinders the country’s tourist trade. More and more, however, families and friends of those who die on Everest and the world’s other highest peaks want and expect the bodies to be brought home. For them and those tasked with recovering the bodies — an exercise that can be more dangerous and far more costly than the expedition that killed the climber in the first place — the drama begins with death. When someone dies, those left behind, from climbing partners on the scene to family and friends half a world away, are immediately faced with enormously daunting decisions and tasks. The rituals, customs and logistics of what happens next are always different.
Sunita Hazra’s memories of that night are spotty, but she remembered leaving Ghosh, her closest friend on the expedition.
“I told Goutam, ‘You must come,’ ” she said in the living room of her home near Kolkata. “I thought if I started moving downward, he would follow me. I had neither the strength to help him or to even look behind me to make sure he was coming.”
She believes she would have died, too, if not for Leslie Binns, a British climber who was ascending above Camp 4 when he found her with her mittens off and her jacket unzipped. He gave her a shot of oxygen, which lifted her energy, but soon realized she would not make it to Camp 4 on her own. He aborted his own summit attempt to drag, encourage and cajole her downhill.
They soon discovered Subhas Paul, in a dazed and hypothermic state of his own. Binns slowly coaxed the two Indian climbers down, sharing hits of oxygen and trying to lift them when they collapsed. They lost track of the roped route. Paul fell into a shallow crevasse and flailed his arms.
Binns eventually made a decision to try to save one or the other. Figuring Paul had energy to expend, he chose Hazra and escorted her to a tent.
“When I got to Camp 4, Subhas was not behind me,” Hazra said. “I thought he was there. I thought Goutam and Nath were somewhere safe.”
Some in Camp 4 later awoke in the night to someone shouting, rhythmically but incoherently, over and over. They presumed it came from within the camp, part of another expedition. No one ventured into the dark to explore. When climbers emerged from their tents in the first rays of sunlight, they realized the shouting was from Paul, about 100 yards uphill from camp. He had been out in the elements for at least 32 hours.
A look into the incredible difficulty of retrieving dead bodies from Mount Everest. Compelling, inspiring, and dark. Pure escape for half an hour lolno more like 2-3 hours or so.
submitted by Interversity to TheMotte [link] [comments]

designer wedding sarees

Sarees or saris are maybe the most wonderful outfits for Indian ladies. They are conventional Indian articles of clothing worn by a large portion of ladies in India. Ladies in India wear sarees in various ways and styles. With the time change the wearing styles of sarees additionally have been changed. Conventional saris have been supplanted with architect saris. Ladies of more youthful age love to wear a la mode and creator saris. Request of creator saris have been expanded in the market today.

Indian Wedding Sarees

Sarees or saris are maybe the most delightful ensembles for Indian ladies. They are conventional Indian articles of clothing worn by the majority of ladies in India. Ladies in India wear sarees in various ways and styles. With the time change the wearing styles of sarees likewise have been changed. Conventional saris have been supplanted with creator saris. Ladies of more youthful age love to wear in vogue and fashioner saris. Request of planner saris have been expanded in the market today.
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Prior to couple of years, ladies wore customary saris with full sleeve pullover without any outlines by any means. However, today ladies love to wear sleeveless shirt with slick and fashioner saris. For wedding events, creator wedding sarees likewise have been come into the market. These days form creators in India are striving to bring scope of Indian wedding and marriage sarees in Indian market.

Yet, wearing architect saris are additionally a craftsmanship. On the off chance that lady don't wear a saree in right way, she can be look like entertaining despite looking delightful. So wearing a sari in right way and right style is additionally imperative.

A sari can be placed on in different ways and styles – every district in India has its own particular style of wrapping a sari and this is the thing that makes the sari engaging clothing! This article chiefly underlines on fatigued an architect saree in right way – right style.. Here is manual for wrap an originator saree by which a lady can wear saris in right way and look more beautiful than she is. In hanging a sari few stages are included. These means are:

  1. Folding over Body

Select one of Designer Sarees of your decision. Beginning at the midsection catch (Navel), tuck the plain end of the sari into the underskirt and fold the sari over your midriff from one side over the slip till you take a total turn. As per your tallness inclinations change the lower end to the sari. It is perfect to wear footwear while hanging a sari to the correct length.

  1. Making Pleats

Make clean creases with the saris in the front (around 6 to 10 creases) contingent upon the length of pallu or palla. Hold them together and tuck creases into the slip reasonably to one side of gut catch or navel.

  1. Making Pallu or Palla

In the wake of making creases in front, wrap the saree on your shoulder from back to front (Sidhi Palla) or front to back (Ulti Palla). Ladies of more youthful age love to wrap sari as Ulti Palla. Be that as it may, it is prudent to wear Indian wedding sarees or Designer Bridal Sarees as Sidhi Palla on the grounds that Sidhi Palla demonstrates the outlines of the pallu. While making pallu, likewise make creases on the shoulder. It is inclination to pallu that it frequently tumbles off. So to anticipate it tumbling off, you ought not neglect to stick them with your pullover on the shoulder.

These means are connected in wearing saris in Nivi Style. Nivi style is the most widely recognized style embraced by larger part of ladies in India. These three stages can be exceptionally useful to ladies who are hanging creator saree first time. Some unique styles to wear the saris are Bengali style, Gujarati style, Maharashtra style, Gond style, and so on.

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submitted by textilebuzzsurat to u/textilebuzzsurat [link] [comments]

The D.C.E.U: Fixing Batman v Superman

Fixing "Man of Steel" Post: https://www.reddit.com/DC_Cinematic/comments/7hfm9u/discussion_making_man_of_steel_bette
Superman: Enter the Knight (October 16, 2015)
Trailer #1: "https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IbSK73xZzq8" {Media is used to give depict the mood of such corrections}
The film begins with the same overhead shot of the Wayne funeral: Bruce running into the forest and the darkness, falling down the well, all interspersed with the Crime Alley shooting. However, the pearl necklace only breaks on one bead, letting the singular pearl bead falling on Martha's hand, then symbolically into the well by Bruce.
Film Invasion Prologue: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xczPzL_L2Vc
We rejoin the story six months after the Black Zero event upon a small rowboat manned by two young snorkelers off the coast of Bangladesh. They retrieve a large green mass from the seabed, hauling it to land to the waiting hands of Mercy Graves and Anatoli Knyazev. Anatoli (KGBeast), brings out Mercy Graves, dressed in costly garb sharply contrasting her financial riches to the Bengali's around them, holds a sliver of Kryptonite after KGBeast smashes it apart. She calls Luthor to tell him of the good news.
CUT TO: Coat of Bangladesh - Remains of the World Engine
Splice in the same Kryptonite discovery scene, as two fishermen, wrestle a piece of Kryptonite from the ocean seabed.
e Fast cut to Khandaq, North Africa:
We see Lois Lane and Jimmy Olsen being escorted into a military compound, both surrounded by dozens of armed guards with Jimmy continuously taking pictures. Lois tells him to cool it with the pictures, with him telling her he wouldn't be here if her boyfriend Clark Kent ever showed up when it mattered.
She sits in front of a neatly dressed dictator, asking him about his regime's failures to uphold Khandaq's security, autonomy and strength as he promised. As they exchange the effect and meaning of true power, the head of the dictator's newly hired mercenary group, KGBeast, confiscates Jimmy's watch, ripping out the arms, batteries, and gears, revealing a small beeping tracking device in place of a battery. In a flurry of shock, the dictator orders the men to leave his private room and execute Jimmy outside, leaving him with Lois Lane.
Before one of KGBeast's men fires a round into Jimmy's skull, three sonic boom echo through the North African skies, followed by a pillar of blue and red smashing down between Jimmy and the guard, who's gun now remains bent.
The guard teeters backward in shock from the settling dust, gazing upon a wide "S" greeting his fearful gaze.
Before him stands our hero, Superman, chest out and his red cape flapping in the wake of his arrival, who separates his hands from a clapped position, letting the crushed bullet fall to the dust. The dictator, alarmed at the new development, asks Lois if she drew Superman purposefully into this. Her response to innocence is equated with the dictator for her ignorance, moving to his belt to draw out an ornate, gold-skinned pistol.
KGBeast immediately orders his mercenaries to fire off in any direction, including bystanders and the dictator's men as he heads back into the compound. As bullets begin flying from dozens of automatic rifles, the world begins to slow down around a Superman walking, leaping, and flying between bullets and their intended targets. As his fists fillup with intercepted bullets, he hovers above the guards, eyes glowing a soft orange then a hot red. The guns instantaneously melt within the hands of the guards, with the pace returning from a slowed time as they fall to the ground clutching arms and hands from the heat of the twisted and melted metal. Superman lands on the ground, letting the hundreds of bullets fall from his hands. As he turns to tend to a bewildered Jimmy, he hears another pistol cocking as it prepares to fire another bullet. He whips around with his X-ray vision, peering through several buildings only to be met by a wall of lead.
Jimmy: "Its Lois! She's still in there!"
We cut back to the dictator grabbing Lois by the neck and attempting to make her kneel. He comments her monster won't come soon enough for her now. She attempts to wrestle the gun away from him, only to be met by a swift kick to the shin, landing on the floor met by his cocking pistol. Within a split second, the roof caves in to reveal a calm and collected Superman in the settling dust.
Dictator: "Take one step, you will see the inside of her head!"
Lois and Superman share a coy smile...
...and Superman takes the step.
The pistol fires off a round towards Lois' head, only ricocheting of-of Superman's chest who had already rushed between Lois and the gun.
The dictator steps back in fear as Superman crumples his pistol like an empty plastic water bottle within his hands, all with a coy smile. As he approaches, the dictator begins to taunt him, telling him to take a side in a war and kill him, that he's too good of a man.
Superman, frustrated by the dictator's stinging yet legitimate remark, quickly turns to pick up Lois and leave the room.
Before he picks Lois up, KGBeast (Knyazev) bursts into the room as he starts to rip off his kevlar vest and shirt, revealing a hole in his chest beaming a bright red.
The grenade begins to descend to the ground, only to be caught by Superman as he launches from the roof and into the sky above. Superman waits for the inevitable white-hot blast, only to be greeted by a burst of green smoke, now seeming to fill his lungs like liquid cement into thinning balloons.
The gas begins to leave his eyes bloodshot as a cacophony of sounds from near and afar begin to batter his senses.
He tells Lois to get Jimmy and run as he collapses onto the ground. Lois attempts to reach him with Jimmy
submitted by Its_WonderfulLife to u/Its_WonderfulLife [link] [comments]

Dipa vaults on to the biggest stage

A shorter version (reduced by 98.0%) can be found on IndiaSpeaks.
This is an extended summary, original article can be found here

Stats For Nerds:

Original Length 36445
Summary Length 12122
Summary Ratio: 66.74%

Extended Summary:

Dipa vaults on to the biggest stage.
Around her, there are stands and spectators but they begin to blur, the noise in the hall receding.
We first saw her standing at the top of that runway wearing a white shiny, sparkly leotard with graphical blue flames.
"She's going for the handspring double front".
"At that time" she says about the full sprint,"you're thinking of nothing.
Sir saying again and again, 'Beta (child), keep it in mind'".
Shooting towards it, only to be pushed back, with as much force and power that her forward momentum can generate; the vault becomes a bowstring and sends her into the air as high as she can go.
Gravity reels her in, landing in an almost ungainly but centered squat..
"Ohwee, she's made it! She made it.
The commentators are exultant.
It paid off".
We are gaping.
Where did she come from? We are still learning.
Her joyous arrival has driven her sport out of the shadows, and uncovered her home state Tripura's four-decade-old romance with gymnastics.
It is not that India has never had any presence in Olympic gymnastics, but it has been a very long time - more than half a century.
Dipa is our first woman gymnast to get this far.
Her composed confidence and execution of the Produnova, the vault with the highest D-(for difficulty)-value in the women's vault was to become her signature move.
In April this year she qualified for Rio by finishing among the top 29 gymnasts at the Aquece Rio Test Event at the Rio Olympics Arena - the same venue as the Olympics event - and won gold in the vault finals.
After a euphoric 2010, Ashish was to slip through familiar cracks in Indian sports administration: his eccentric Russian coach left and, for the past two years, two rivals groups have been fighting for control of the national federation, leaving the athletes without a competitive calendar, elite level coaching or national championships since December 2013.
One level removed, but living, breathing in Karmakar's consciousness, is the goodwill of her largely anonymous hometown, Agartala - tucked away in a remote corner of north-eastern India, on the other side of Bangladesh.
She is, in every other way, a regular Indian girl who has understood that she lives an irregular kind of life.
Gymnastics helped her discover herself.
She has not left her past behind - she is diligently working towards a Masters degree in political science, through correspondence, hauling her study material over the world.
How she can speak confidently and hold an audience at a felicitation function.
Her return home to Agartala post-qualification for Rio was a public event, crowds lining the 10km route from the airport to Rabindra Bhaban, the city's biggest hall, with Dipa and coach Nandi's open jeep at the centre of a cavalcade with motorcycle outriders, the works.
In January this year, a large party of tourists from Maharashtra sought to visit her at home assuming that Karmakar was actually Karmarkar, the extra 'r' turning the family from Bengali to Maharashtrian.
The 40-strong group was invited in - "How could I say no? They had come from so far," says Dulal - and turned up en masse, adults and kids, squashed into the family's small living room.
When Dipa met Sachin Tendulkar at a function, she was asked whether she was from Maharashtra.
And me.
Dipa is familiar with the two in gymnastics, almost certainties in the sport.
In her years in the spotlight, she has broken a hand, cracked a right ankle, sprained both ankles, competing fully strapped up and on pain killers.
"In gymnastics, you can fall anytime," Dipa says.
I had practiced so hard, despite that I fell.
In gymnastics: two things are certain: falling down and getting hurt".
Sometime around 1990, three years into his job as a Tripura Sports Council gymnastics coach, Nandi was sent a directive by his bosses: take charge of Tripura's female gymnasts.
"I was very angry and said I didn't want to work with them, I tried to dodge it but couldn't".
What can you possibly do with them? Only the boys were praised, never the girls".
Ten years later, the council was to send him a prodigy who had won a balance beam gold medal at the North Eastern Games beating older gymnasts.
(Their sudden appearance in this neck of the woods is part of local folklore).
What Soma, also a gymnastics coach, noticed about Dipa was her persistence on tiny legs.
(let's do this again, it's not complete)'.
It was a hunger to get it right".
she would go nonstop and never tire"..
Her zidd (stubbornness) runs deep and feeds Dipa's competitive career; it is what makes her.
) Dipa's flatfoot problem was handled through a set of exercises that work on a child's developing physiology.
Nandi knew early that she could take on gradually increased training loads.
"First I thought, how do they do these things, it must be very difficult.
Nandi says, "When a child has to do any difficult exercise, the first thing in their mind is, Suppose I get hurt, suppose I fall? We had taken Dipa to exercises at such speed that of course, there was some confusion in her mind".
I'm here.
Coach and student both laugh.
2 favourite, she has won Commonwealth Championships medals in it.
The floor exercise is full of regulations about 'musicality' and features terms called cat leap, wolf jump, sheep jump and sissone.
It is not only "what" the gymnast performs, but also "how" she performs her routine".
She would rather throw herself into a routine without any frills or coquetteish moves - just like the men in their floor exercises, minus even the music.
"The apparatus and task demands of the two disciplines are very different; that said, both men and women should aspire to perfect technique and a display of elegance".
"The dream of any coach is to encounter athletes with an ideal combination of talent, passion, focus and a strong work ethic," he explained to ESPN.
I meant it as a compliment to her personally - and as an incentive to the men to emulate or surpass her example".
People have their ideas and that's up to them".
Girls are doing more than boys, anyway".
It is my dream".
Agartala is abuzz, pulled asunder by the demands of development.
There's a word that is used frequently when talking of Dipa's career.
We took a bit of a risk Riks lena padega.
She took the risk and that's why she won the medal and qualified for the Olympics.
(I will not take the risk.
(I will risk it) It starts with their decades-old choice of apparatus - the vault.
Mantu Debnath, India's first Arjuna Award winner in gymnastics and Tripura's most famous gymnast before Dipa, who competed for a decade from the mid-60s onwards, says the vault's popularity has much to do with necessity and improvisation.
They also needed secure landing facilities, which we never had".
Debnath remembers making double somersaults off the vault into lakes or talaabs (ponds).
Dipa, it is now increasingly clear, comes from a long line of risk-takers.
The state would clean up the national school, sub-juniors, juniors and senior titles - team, all-round individual apparatus.
Indeed, Singh's presence was a minor miracle; he had been preceded by another NIS scout, Surbir Singh, who sent back a negative report: the locals didn't have the physique to make good gymnasts, no point wasting time.
There is only one photograph commonly available for Dalip Singh.
Manik Saha, currently the "founder vice-president" of the Tripura Gymnastics Association, remembers Dalip Singh's earliest proselytising missions.
Saha, a badminton official, was one such.
Debnath lists a string of titles won by Tripura's gymnasts and the numbers appear unreal: 18 national titles, 24 individual all around individual titles, including senior nationals, school nationals, sub-junior and juniors.
Singh began where they all do even now - where Dipa has, her coach Nandi and his senior Debnath had.
Dalip Singh took a look at the body-building and weightlifting equipment available and decide he could make do - horizontal bars, parallel bars, some floor space.
In 1968, Debbarman was to win the all-round national juniors title.
Dulal Karmakar was one of those tens of thousands.
An older man standing behind him asked him what he was looking at.
That older man was Dalip Singh, pulling in as many as 100-120 kids a year into gymnastics, pleased if 20 made the cut by the year's end.
In an exquisite twist of fate, she is a very short walk from the home where Dipa grew up.
It has moved from coach to gymnast to gymnast-coach to the next gymnast".
"I call Dipa didi (elder sister) just like that to talk to her.
On a June afternoon at the Byamagar, boys and girls around kindergarten age are walking on their hands and tumbling over padded mats stretched out over grass and mud.
Inside the Byamagar, some gymnastics apparatus - the asymmetrical bars, the roman rings, parallel bars, balance beam - is crammed into the small space.
The NSRCC is currently being renovated.
For floor training, the padded mats will be carried outside and spread out by the trainees and teachers.
The thickest mats are then piled up two or three behind this faux vault to make for as secure a landing area as it can be.
Dipa is in MX (mixed group) 8, with gymnasts from Slovakia, Guatemala, Sweden and Vietnam.
The final of the vault is an excruciating week later, on August 14; it starts precisely at 2:44pm local time and is over in half an hour..
The vault - or rather one very contentious one - is her specialization, the semaphore that marked her arrival in world gymnastics.
Every gymnast must perform two vaults to show off different skill sets.
"Someone introduces a gymnastics element, gets some valuation, gets a name, then it means we can also do it if we try.
With maximum practice, everything becomes easy, so that is the formula that I work on.
It is how Dipa's Glasgow Produnova came to be, "She was at the right age, old enough to understand what was being taught.
The foam pit is a five-foot deep pit filled with foam blocks that absorb the landings and so help the gymnasts attempt the most daring vaults.
It is, they argue, a short-cut reward for "difficulty" over the "form" of smoother executions in slightly less dangerous but more complex vaults.
The best its current practitioners manage today is a semi-squat, to absorb the shock on their knees and ensure that their feet hit the landing mat first.
The perfect 10 was disbanded in 2006, following a scoring scandal at the 2004 Athens Olympics, for the creation of two scoring criteria.
The D-score in a vault is pre-ascribed - which is where the Produnova 7 comes from - and the E score judges the gymnasts on form, technique, execution and landing, with the total being added up and averaged out.
The Produnova is the highest scoring and most physical of vaults, almost never performed by the big four of women's gymnastics - USA, Russia, Japan, Romania.
In countries like India, where gymnasts are not part of an institutionally-organised gymnastics programme around training and competition, giving the Produnova a shot becomes for gymnasts and coaches, a logical high-risk, high-return move.
"Philosophically, I'm in favor of open-ended difficulty that allows for growth and creativity in a manner the former rules limited," Holt says.
Dipa has become proof enough for every generation that will follow.
When her Produnova turned up, he said, "it was not a secret I had reservations" about its dangers.
He gives her a 70-30 chance to qualify for the Olympic final with an "outside chance" of a medal in Rio.
Dulal and Gauri Karmakar have never seen their daughter compete live.
Soma Nandi says, "I think we have a hope she will reach the finals, that is our hope".
"Now she's going to the biggest one," he says and exhales the word in awe - "Olympics".
Their low centres of gravity allow for balance in the most imbalanced of positions from where they grapple between the lightness of air and the pull of the earth..
It is a micro presence that has made a macro impression on the India's gymnastics landscape.
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Rumble meaning in Bengali - গুড়ুগুড়ু শব্দ বা গর্জন (করা); | English – Bangla & English (E2B) Online Dictionary. Snub definition, to treat with disdain or contempt, especially by ignoring. to pull up or stop abruptly in such a manner. Kris Smith Son, Bengali has a rich folk heritage and plays a huge role in Indian literature. All content on Tumbled: kannada Meaning: ಹೋಗುತ್ತವೆ of Tumble / (typically of a person) fall suddenly, clumsily, or headlong., Usage ⇒ she pitched forward, tumbling down the remaining stairs Synonyms Synonyms for stumbled on include found, discovered, encountered, located, identified, noticed, detected, distinguished, recognized and pinpointed. Find more similar Tumbled meaning in Bengali - দড়াবাজি করা; স্খলিতচরণে চলা; গড়াইয়া যাত্তয়া; গড়াগড়ি খাত্তয়া; টলা; উলটান; উলটাইয়া পড়া; ডিগবাজি খাইয়া পড়া; ভাঙ্গিয়া পড়া; হঠাৎ আসিয়া পড়া; আছড়া খাত্তয়া; গড়াইয়া tumble - Bengali Meaning - tumble Meaning in Bengali at english-bangla.com | tumble শব্দের বাংলা অর্থ. tumble /verb/ গড়াগড়ি খাওয়া; হোঁচট খাওয়া. ×. Tumble - Meaning in Bengali. tumbled - tamil meaning of உருண்டு விழுந்த குழப்பமான. Thanks for using this online dictionary, we have been helping millions of people improve their use of the TAMIL language with its free online services. ‘They tumbled down, falling down a small hill then down some brush.’ ‘Fat drops tumbled down to slick the streets.’ ‘Looking up at the water fall she had just tumbled down she decided to keep moving.’ ‘He fell forward over the baloneys edge and tumbled down.’ ‘All of a sudden, Alli tripped and tumbled down the steps.’ My eye is a little scapegoat running around on the moon, FROM "MOONSHINE" BY SUSAN TAYLOR tumbled Meaning in Bengali. English to Bengali meaning of tumbled online dictionary Meaning in Bengali tumbled. Google translation English to Bangla ‘Loose chunks of grit and rubble tumbled down on them.’ ‘She nearly let go and tumbled down the side of the rocks.’ ‘Her body tumbled down to the ground.’ ‘He tumbled down the stairs and landed at the bottom.’ ‘He released the gun and tumbled down the stairs.’ We have an interesting naming practice called daak-naam. Rūbul rubble Find more words! 1. fragments of broken

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