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Community Tips and Tricks with no major spoilers.

GAO reddit post
Edit 08/31/2020: added new section at the end regarding the new Ship Assault update.
So begins our community Tips and Tricks post. If you have anything to add, by all means drop a comment. Sorry it's so huge but I wanted to cover the major aspects of the game and I don't currently know a better way to format this, otherwise I'd split it into smaller sections.
I will be editing this post as I go, adding more as I find them or figure them out myself and I will be giving credit where due. I just put this up so bear with me, I will be giving credit.
FYI; I'm not trying to spoil everything, the discovery is part of the fun, but if you're struggling with the game; these tips just might help avoid a rage-quit, without resorting to spoilers in the wiki.
Space Ship Safety for Dummy's: 1. Keep your Tractor Beam, Hangar, Refinery and Deposits on the same deck, as these all have a risk of aliens or infections coming out of them. This way you aren't running willy nilly across your ship.
Also, you can set up energy barriers in doorways, crawlspaces and even around the Tractor Beam to help slow the baddies and give your brave but stupid clones a decent chance at survival. And remember; turrets are your best friends and suitable for all locations and occasions; the perfect +1 to any party.
And keep an eye out for little green gas clouds, they aren't from the clones having chili night; they're alien spores. They'll float about spawning disease clusters or alien eggs, and that's not good. Luckily, fire is your friend. The Laser Pistol/Rifle, Energy Rifle or Flamethrower all work great at clearing infestations and the spore clouds as well, since the energy weapons have a small blast radius and the Flamethrower doesn't damage the power terminals in your ship. And c'mon, it's a friggin flamethrower.
  1. Cover your mouth when you cough! Keep Crew Quarters and modules like the Lounge on a separate deck; when clones get infected with a disease they will stop working and go rest in their quarters, spreading the disease they have on the way. This way you minimize the spread.
Speaking of diseases; when a clone gets sick a notice will pop up on the left side of the screen saying they've left their job. Go track them down and start stalking them like a creepy ex. As they walk to their quarters they'll be coughing/sneezing/farting out bits of infection which runs the risk of infecting other crew members. More importantly, they'll spit out little chunks which you can scoop up with your collector tool; collect ten of these and you can go to the Medical Research module, spend some Rad Blue and make your crew immune to that particular germ.
  1. Feel free to experiment with ship designs; you can always dismantle a room to get your resources back, as long as you have room in storage. An important note; some modules have a limit on how many you can build, but you don't necessarily have to have the maximum.
Also, try to keep your ship design simple; the easier it is to navigate, and defend, the better. Complicated ships lead to complicated problems.
  1. Name That Door! It might seem like a small thing, but the Ship Naming tool on your PDA is actually very helpful. With it you can rewrite the signs above the doors; it's especially helpful with doors leading to corridors, as you can create your own directions eg: the door inside a room could be renamed "" reminding you the hangar is to the left and the turbolifts to the right. You can also name a deck level by using it in turbolifts: Hangar Deck, Crew Deck, Reactor Deck, etc.
  2. Life needs a garden, dig it: Be careful when putting in plants as you can't get them back if you destroy them.
Stick to one or two atmosphere types and the clones that use them, until you get more comfortable with the game. Because a Genesis requires a certain number of clones using a specific atmosphere type, in addition to having enough plants to support them.
Also don't try to grab every plant you see, as they take up space in your deposits.
  1. Curb your obsessive compulsive kleptomania: Make sure you have plenty of storage, around 160 and deposits about 24 slots at most, but don't try to hoard everything; it's safer to grab what you need and keep moving. You can always come back later.
  2. Power Underwhelming: Unfortunately you have a limited number of reactors you can build (5 by default) and thus a limited amount of power. You'll have to balance needs versus wants. Try to avoid building too many corridors and duplicate modules; build what you need first, then get creative.
  3. There's no monster under the ahhh! This is space, and as we've learned from countless sci-fi horror books, TV shows and movies; alien freakazoid monsters love to hide in the crawlspaces under the deck.
And everything has a crawlspace. Make sure you check these regularly, because you never know when an infestation will take hold. Last thing you need is to get raided by pirates and suddenly you're surrounded by spiders the size of pitbulls. Set a few turrets beneath the decks to help control pest outbreaks.
Your hearing can be a powerful tool as well; infestations will make gross squelchy noises when they start, so get the peanut butter out of your ears.
  1. Always be Moving. Don't stay in one place too long. In combat, standing still is the universal language to aliens for "Please Eat Me" On planets; the aliens will just keep coming infinitely, so just get what sites/resources you need and go.
For your ship in space, roving space pirates are a big problem; they don't like you and your clones are deathly allergic to their guns. So try not to spend too much time in one system, because sooner or later they will show up when you don't want them to, just like your relatives. Once you have a few shields though, you should be fine.
  1. The Harvester (of Souls). The harvester in your hangar is a vital tool; it takes you and your clones to planets to feed ahem I mean meet the local wildlife.
Also you can pick up raw materials and find cool stuff at the sites like new weapons or data telling you where to find stuff. But it's also extremely hazardous to the health of your clones, as they don't have the best self-preservation instincts.
If it's too dangerous, tell the clones to stay on the harvester or just leave them on the ship. On the other hand, if it's only resources you're after; just send the clones. You won't ever lose clones assigned to the harvester when you send it to a planet, but they might bring back Hitchhikers, so make sure to be in the hangar or have some turrets for when they get back.
  1. Radiation Blue, the kinder, gentler radiation. Radiation Blue is an absolutely vital resource, as it is required to perform any kind of research. Wether you're curing diseases, unlocking or upgrading clones, weapons and abilities or cooking a mean batch of chili; they will all cost you Rad Blue. So grab the stuff every chance you get and never, and I mean NEVER trade it away.
  2. Tools of the Trade.
There's a huge variety of weapons in the game, with only a few that are variations on the same thing.
There's four different damage types, each more or less effective against certain aliens. Unfortunately you only carry two weapons at once and you can have four loaded on your weapon rack, which is done at the Workshop.
Make sure, once you find some, that you have some options. You'll always want a fire and ballistic weapon on hand, since they're at least somewhat effective against most space freaks, with maybe a corrosive and the one radiation weapon.
Don't be afraid to experiment with the weapons, see which ones perform better against what and also which ones you like using better. Bonus: once you've discovered a weapon, it will be unlocked for you to pick as an artifact in your next game.
  1. Send in the Clones.
Clones are a vital resource cough I mean important friends, yeah. Initially you only have boring Humans, but with time, effort and a little luck; you can create hybrid clones. FYI: all clones cost 5 biomass, so don't neglect the stuff.
Each one has four stats:
Health: how much damage they can take before dying.
Resistance: effects how much damage they take, higher res equals less damage taken.
Intelligence: effects how fast they work in a module. Not how good they are in combat sadly.
Immunity: tier 3 clones get a special immunity to a specific type of damage, potentially a very powerful advantage.
Clones come in four basic archetypes: Human or humanlike: good intelligence with middling resistance.
Smart: intelligence scores and speed is higher than humans, but physically squishy with less resistance and health.
Strong: higher resistance and health but lower intelligence.
Tough: massive levels of resistance and health, but dumb as rocks; sometimes literally.
The clones serve a few purposes;
1st: They can be assigned to different modules to operate them automatically, leaving you free to deal with other things. Very handy, though you need to be careful, as some modules have a chance of "surprises", so make sure to set up some security; because they suck at fighting.
2nd: They are vital to your overall mission, because in order to perform a genesis; you have to have a sufficient number of clones of the specific atmosphere type of the world.
3rd: If you wind up dying, which you inevitably will, you will randomly take control of another nearby clone. Depending on which one, this could be better or worse for you. Just be careful that you don't run out of clones. If you die without any other clones on board, it's game over.
New!!! Dropping some new info for the new Ship Assault patch.
First I recommend starting a new game. The new content is going to need a new seed/random gen to add the new stuff/reorganization.
  1. Site changes and New Game.
Sites have been shuffled around as follows; suit upgrades are assigned to the new Rogue Captains now, so you'll need to take the fight to the Mechanics and Framen to get them. Some can still be found on planets, but not many.
Ship Modules will now primarily be found on the new Derelict ships, identified by Biohazard symbols on the galaxy map. Left overs will be on planets, and of course you can buy them from merchants too.
Artifact picks have changed slightly, everybody now gets 4, 6 or 8 artifact picks depending on tier. Mechanics, Framen and Rocket Star get 8, since they're treated as a tier 3.
  1. Ship Assaults, kickem in the dishpan.
You can now board derelict vessels and even attack the Mechanics and Framen. You'll need to use the fittingly titled Ship Assault module to do this. Inside it you'll find a glowing teleport pad in the center, along with a terminal that will show you information about the ships contents/cargo and it's captains name if it has one. Cargo is initially hidden, the names will be Rand gobbledygook until you scan it. There are also workstations which serve two purposes: firstly as scanners, so you can see things like; 22 Biomass, 9 Framework, 4 Gunpowder and 2 Sites.
Secondly; this module has honest to God weapons. You sadly don't get to see the actual fireworks, but all the same using the workstations allows you to damage the enemy ship. You can't see exact enemy health, so you just have to hit them repeatedly until it disables them. But they're gonna attack you back of course, so try to wait until you can get shields if you can. If you can't, just assign a clone or two to work the room, they'll slowly blast away until they're dead or run, leaving you free to fight off boarders. Once the enemy is disabled they won't be able to run, so you're free to heal/reload/put out fires until you're ready.
Be warned, derelict or pirate, there's gonna be a metric buttload of enemies to fight and you can't resupply except for ammo boxes that have a chance of dropping, so bring your best weapons for the job. You can always leave and go back, but I think some enemies will be respawned and you'll be dropped somewhere random so you might get dropped in a room full of enemies the next time. You can however use weapon racks and healing stations on the enemy/derelict ship, though the heal stations can only use whatever biomass is on board, so the Healing ability is highly recommended. The weapon racks will have a few ammo boxes and usually one or two turrets and energy barriers you can steal.
Stealing cargo or biomass is easy; just head to a storage or biotank module, stand inside and profit. Crews on Rogue ships will be warned and will swarm your position, so be careful. Derelicts are just jam packed with alien nests, of both xenomorph and humanoid aliens.
Derelicts will usually have Biomass, random refined resources and sites which contain Ship Modules, sometimes you'll find one that has Module Upgrade Chips, you'll have to find them in the same places you'd find them on your ship, just enter the room so you can read the details on the map and check if it has a module upgrade installed or not.
Rogue ships don't have sites, instead they have Captains and Hostages. Hostages will be found in the Alien Research Module behind shield doors, the only way to open them is to blast the door with an energy weapon. Once rescued, you'll find them in rescue pods in your Assault module, ready to be released when you want them and have the atmosphere needed for them.
Captains are hardcore jerkbags with powerful weapons and a hefty amount of health; you'll want a powerful weapon and some shields/turrets if you want to take them out safely, and the crew will come running when you attack them too. Your reward, as mentioned earlier, is Suit Upgrades.
  1. Wormholes are weird because they don't have worms.
Wormholes have been added as randomly placed sites on planets to provide a fast travel system. On the galaxy map you'll notice a new star system icon, a single pulsing star dot. You'll have to land on the planet to know which one it's on, you'll see a giant pyramid. Head inside and stand on the glowing platform in the center for about 5ish seconds to activate it. Once you have at least two activated, you just need to have your ship parked in a system with an active wormhole, then target a system with another active wormhole and you can jump there free of charge; no fuel rod necessary. The benefit to this is you won't have to spend fuel rods and you won't need a maxed out hyperdrive, or any really, to cross massive distances.
  1. The Crewman Experience.
Your crew has received some much needed enhancements. Levels, perks, slightly better (less stupid) combat AI, snazzy shiny stars to represent their levels and the ones in the Hangar get some extra armor. First. Your crew can now level up. There's three levels, each providing armor and an extra perk.
Level 1 gives them some armor and they mine resources on planets a bit faster, which is great since planet mining is a great way to level them; they get XP for killing enemies and for mining resources.
Level 2 gives more armor and allows you to equip them with a small selection of weapons, provided you have them unlocked. This is a godsend for those crews armed with Power Shotguns (crap range) or Laser Pistols (just crap).
They can be equipped with the following guns: Heavy Pistol; accurate, good damage, slow Rifle SA1; great damage, accuracy, slow Machine gun; good damage, accuracy, fast Minigun; ok damage, accuracy, fast firing Normal Shotgun; ok damage, speed, less crappy range Autoflak; should need no introduction, great choice.
Obviously they won't be as deadly as you, but equipped with something better than the default is great. You'll see a star on the weapon icon at game start when picking artifacts and you'll see a star on the weapons list on the workshop terminal.
Stahlunion, General Ballistics and Framen benefit the most, since their weapons are kinda crap on the clones. GB and Framen benefit by actually being able to hit the broad side of a barn and SU because they can actually kill something. Superior Genetics and Mechanics have great default weapons, but this is still good as you can split the crews damage types between radiation/energy and ballistic, meaning they can perform better against almost any enemy type.
Level 3 grants a final armor boost and makes them extremely helpful, as they will help you a bit with infestations. Level 3 crew will shoot any nest/disease source when it's at least 50% grown when they see it. They don't actively go looking for them sadly, but if they spot one they'll blast it. This is all insanely helpful for the hazard rooms, the Tractor, Hangar and Refinery, since they can better defend themselves and at level 3 will deal with infestations they see.
  1. With great power (leveling) comes great responsibility, AKA: dead men get no XP.
Power leveling is something most gamers do, it's like it's in our DNA or something, but I heartily recommend that you DON'T in GAO. Yeah that armor and the perks are cool and all, but XP doesn't come very quickly or safely. They get 2xp per kill, 3xp for mining on a planet and 5xp for finishing a job on the ship: refining, beaming, crafting, cloning, etc. They also get 5xp for doing a crew only harvester mission, no harvesting xp though so as to keep it fair. They also get 20xp for surviving diseases.
So yeah, you gotta either collect or spend resources, or be in danger, in order to earn XP; so don't try to force it, wasting resources is a bad idea and dead crew members don't earn XP. Don't worry though, the first two levels come pretty quick, it's just level 3 that will take some time, but it's worth it. But now you definitely have more of a reason to keep those clones alive.
  1. Quality of Life improvements.
There's been a few nice QOL additions to the game, besides the whole crew leveling thing.
First up, clone research. Remember how it used to be that when you'd research better clones, you'd have to sacrifice (murder) them in order to make better ones? And you'd have to suicide yourself so that you could get a better clone? Well that crap is over my friends. Now, whenever you research an upgrade to a clone type, your whole crew gets automatically upgraded to that tier, with all the benefits that comes with it. Same goes for you Captain, if the species upgraded was your current species, you'll get the boost as well.
Similar thing has happened to diseases, your crew will now properly be fully immunized to a disease as soon as it's been researched, science marches forward!
Second, the Robot Station. It's a new one tile module that provides a station for a robot. Want to keep extra work robots next to the Hangar for faster unloading? Done. Want to have one right next to your Refinery or Deposit so the Refinery works faster? Also Done. Want to have easily accessed locations for your patrolling Guard Bots to recharge and heal? Here ya go.
Third, this one kinda sucks actually: Arachnoid, Kraul and Leviathan clones, only at tier 3, have had their max health reduced. Not by a metric crap load, but I guess people felt they were a little too strong, so they've been nerfed. I haven't gotten to them yet so I can't say how much HP they have now, but you've been warned.
And that pretty much covers it for now folks, I'll toss additional strategies/tips as I discover them and if there's anything y'all want to add; just drop a comment and you'll be getting an up-doot and a thank you.
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